Thursday, November 24, 2016


"When God speaks, people either obey and submit their hearts or disobey and harden their hearts (Hebrews 3:7-13).

. . . The same sun that melts the ice also hardens the clay."

Warren Wiersbe
Chapter By Chapter Bible Commentary p. 51
Thomas Nelson  1991

Pharoah's hardened heart finally makes sense. Our response makes the difference! We can grow more stubborn, under God's correction, or we can repent, worship and enjoy God's nearness once again.

Saturday, November 19, 2016


"Thankfulness is a conscious response that comes from looking beyond our blessings to their source." 

Henry and Richard Blackaby
Experiencing God Day By Day   p.338
Broadman and Holman 2016

A bit of transparency: Open a discussion on the necessity of thank you notes, and I jump right in. BUT when I shop for a November magazine and they are all about thanks-giving, my first thought is boring.

Just Saying-- Room To Grow, 

Monday, November 14, 2016


Poison and hate, disagreement and immorality, blatant lies and unaccepted truths filled our television screens for a year. Election campaigns are always ugly, but 2016 had to have topped the charts!

Most elections result in tidal waves of complaining. It's to be expected. People voted their conscience and/or their dreams . . . and lost. But 2016 finds hate spewing all over the place: protests, posts of 'you hate my kids' on social media, television showing people determined to use all their strength to undo, ruin, and sabotage a majority vote.

Christians banded together to pray. I know God called me to pray at a specific time each day; and sent reminders. For the most part, I obeyed.

I found that, most often, God led me to pray for His people; for us to behave like the Christians we are . . . before the elections and after.

I made a commitment, on social media, to neither whine nor gloat when the final count came in. I've maintained that commitment; and beyond a couple sarcastic comments on my social media site, I believe Christians have done well. I'm proud of the Body of Christ.

But my heart is breaking. We've been labeled with the ugliest words and attitudes, all opposite of compassion, love, righteousness, or wisdom. I'm physically sick and weak.

Several Scriptures come to mind. "Your battle is not against flesh and blood, but against powers and principalities (Ephesians 6)" Satan has taken a severe blow. He's fuming mad! God's people prayed and God answered; God's people are encouraged. We feel religious freedom is preserved a little while longer.

The rest of the nation is stunned. "We didn't see this coming! How did this happen? There is no explanation --" Except God. (What we haven't accepted, though, is that with either way and either candidate,  the path will be hard.)

Matthew writes in chapter 10 of enemies being of his own household; of loving family members more than Jesus and thus being unworthy of Him. Can I live that way?

Some of the comments from believers suggest that "we" would never behave so poorly--nor have we-- when the elections didn't go our way. First, please understand that all Christians didn't vote one way; and everyone else the other way; we all voted the way we thought best for our country. Secondly, we're Christ followers. Winners or losers, we should look different!

This morning, two of my devotion books encouraged thankfulness. A friend often encourages me in the same way when I share some overwhelming trial. And so, I close with some things I am thankful for.

I am thankful for tears -- even ones I stuff until I'm in a less public place. God counts our tears. He sees them, acknowledges them, and values them. (Psalm 56:8)

I'm thankful that God placed me in a country where I can vote--where I still have freedoms even though some are a little tarnished. I can read my Bible in a coffee shop, attend the church of my choice, and pray wherever I want.

I'm thankful for prayer answers--a God who hears, is holy, righteous, mighty, compassionate, loving, and who never changes.

I am thankful that God's ways are not my ways (Isaiah 55:8)-- I cannot run a household well, let alone a church, city, state, or nation! (I am thankful for those who can, and more so when they seek God's guidance to do so.) Yet, none of us sees the whole picture with all it's minute parts. Only God -- Only God. His ways are above our ways and we can only be thankful for that.

I'm thankful that, though I've ignored such Scriptures for years--God does warn us in His Word that we will endure trials; some severe ones. "If they hate you, know they hated Me first (John 15:18)." He warns us that those who desire to live godly lives will be persecuted (2 Timothy 3:12). In the U. S., we barely know what persecution is, but that doesn't mean that one day we won't know, first hand. I'm thankful that God will never leave me or forsake me (Hebrews 13:5). He is Emmanuel, God with us/me.

I am ecstatically blessed and thankful for God's Word--that I can possess the entire volume (versus a coveted page or two) without threats to my life. His Word IS that pearl of great price, worthy of selling all else to obtain.

I am thankful for people who are different than me--who sometimes, in great vulnerability, share their hurts; even their anger. 

I'm growing. 
I'm learning.


Sunday, November 13, 2016


Solomon was "wiser than all men," says 1 Kings 4:31; and so rich that he had want of nothing . . . including wives. He had 700; plus 300 concubines.

David was an adulterer and a murderer, yet a good king, a good shepherd, for God's people. Flawed, yes, but, called "a man after God's own heart."

People were terrified of Paul. And rightfully so. Who knows how many Christians he had killed?

All flawed. Horribly so, it seems. 

But God . . . He is perfect--and able. 

My friends, we are in good Hands.

Waiting To See God's Plan Play Out, 

Thursday, November 10, 2016


"I rejected the church for a time because I found so little grace there. I returned because I found grace nowhere else."

Philip Yancey
What's So Amazing About Grace?  p.16
Zondervan 1997

God, show me how to be an instrument of Your grace,

Monday, November 7, 2016


I pray for mercy (*compassionate treatment of an offender) and prepare for discipline (*punishment intended to correct or train); reminding myself of Paul's words in Hebrews 12:7: "for those whom the Lord loves He disciplines. 

No matter where this election takes us, we can know God has a plan, born in love.

Praying and Preparing,

* American Heritage Dictionary

Saturday, November 5, 2016


"Some tell me they do not vote because they do not believe one vote makes any difference. . . Logic tells us that no majority would ever exist if not for many single votes cast.

"One vote still makes a difference. Eight state House and state Senate elections in the United States have been decided by one vote." 

David Jeremiah
Is This The End.?  P.113
W Publishing Group  2016

I'll Be In Line Early Tuesday Morning.
Hope To See You There   8--)

Wednesday, November 2, 2016


"At times we deceive ourselves into thinking that good intentions equal obedient actions. They do not. A good intention without corresponding activity is disobedience."

Henry and Richard Blackaby
Experincing God Day By Day  p.321
Broadman and Holman 2016

Good Intentions:
 I tell someone I'll pray--and don't. I ask someone to pray--and don't myself. Or God "reminds" me, and I say."I meant" to.

Without Excuse,