Friday, December 29, 2017


"I presented my clueless self to God, and in the middle of rock bottom I discovered rock bottom is not where people go to die but where people go to be recreated."

Matthew Barnett
Misfits Welcome  p.15/Nook
Nelson Books  2017

As For Me

Ah ha! Great news for 12 Step Groups.

 Rock Bottoms are full of tears, anger, worry, and an unruly crowd of other emotions. Yet, as much as rock bottoms feel like painful endings, from which we can never recover; they are, instead, hopeful beginnings. Second Chances.

We already know what doesn't work; so with the help of understanding friends and a faithful God, we explore new paths and discover new lives . . . one day at a time.

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold new things have come."

2 Corinthians 5:17  New King James Version


Tuesday, December 26, 2017


"On September 7, 1774, the Continental Congress held its first official meeting at Carpenter's Hall in Philadelphia. Their first official act was prayer. And it wasn't some perfunctory prayer that was nothing more than protocol . . . Our founding fathers prayed with fervency and intensity. Earwitnesses heard them interceding several blocks away."

Mark Batterson
Draw The Circle   p.91
Zondervan 2012

As For Me

Sometimes I quit praying for our country because I don't see changes. (good changes) Sometimes, I'm just lazy, or bored. Often times, I tell God, "I just don't get it! I don't get whose responsibility is whose--how the branches of government connect--how proposed solutions touch the problem. Grrr. Why have You called me to pray?!"

Then I read something like this precious piece of history and get excited.

So I determine, once again, to spend my first few minutes in the car each day, praying. Radio off--praying--as best I can for the leaders of our country.

God, help me be faithful,

Friday, December 22, 2017


"The Red Sea may roll before us; the desert may entrap us; the enemy may press on our heels. The past may seem implausible and the future impossible, but God works in ways we cannot see . . . God will always make a way for His tired, yet trusting children, EVEN IF HE MUST SPLIT THE SEA TO DO IT." (emphasis mine)

Robert J. Morgan
Reclaiming The Lost Art Of Biblical Meditation   p.81
Thomas Nelson 2017
The Red Sea Rules   p. xi-xii
W Publishing  2014

As For Me

I asked God for a word today. This is what I needed.


Thursday, December 21, 2017


Muslim, Omar Aziz walked five days -- through mine-fields, mountains and deserts--to attend a Christian funeral!

He sat between Nik and his wife Ruth, after the death of their son Timothy.

"I was stunned to hear him say, "I have walked here from Somalia. I had to help bury our son, Timothy."

Nik Ripken with Gregg Lewis
The Insanity Of God   p.132
Broadman & Holman  2013

As For Me

Love like that between a Muslim and a Christian? 

Besides this, from the time of Tim's death, March 28, and Nik and Ruth's departure for the U. S. in June, every meal was provided by friends and neighbors. These lessons would be huge in just a Christian context. 

BUT  . . . their neighbors and friends were Muslims.

I'm pretty sure I have God in a box------and I need to let Him out!


Wednesday, December 20, 2017



I'm rereading "Draw The Circle" by Mark Batterson. This morning's thoughts centered around someone who prayed for the Ebenezer Coffeehouse to become a Dream Factory. 

A regular customer shared that he, indeed, had a dream birthed there. Great coffee and free wi-fi made it a great office for him.

Grrrr. Ray and I often complain about sales-folk who abuse coffee shops. 

But the dream this man birthed saves millions from starving!

I was convicted concerning a man who, daily, picks the best table by a fake but warm fireplace. He's there when I come and there when I leave. He talks on the phone or to a friend--volume 8 on a 1-10 scale. I put earbuds in to help (and to make a point).   8-/

I should pray. Who knows what kind of dream he might be nurturing? Or if he knows the Lord.

He's here! I heard a voice projecting over my shoulder and across the coffee shop. This isn't my normal time of day! It can't be him. But sure enough . . .

Testing . . . testing . . .

God, I need your help with this one. Can I start small? Like, "help him have a nice Christmas."?

Or while I'm praying for him, could you prompt someone to pray for me?

And oh, God, thank you for the fireplace seat.



Were you ever cautioned by a parent or English teacher to "never say never?"

"Always" was included, or at least implied, yet . . . the Holy Spirit, through Peter, tells us,

"ALWAYS be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope you have. But do this with gentleness and respect."

1 Peter 3:15 NIV (emphasis mine)

So are you? Ready?

Am I?


Perhaps, we should practice with one another: asking believing friends, "Are you hopeful--in your financial situation? In your health situation? With the state of our nation/world? With eternity? 

If so, why?

Monday, December 18, 2017


If I were an artist, this would top my list of painting projects. Sculpture would be fun too.

"One of the secrets of (Jonathan Edwards) success was that he always thought through his subject matter. Even on walks and while riding horseback through the woods, he would jot down items and pin them to his coat. When he returned to the parsonage, he wrote out the fuller explanation of the bits noted on the scraps. It is said that at times the whole of his coat front would sometimes be covered with bits and pieces of paper."

Quoted by Robert J. Morgan from:
The Life and Ministry of Jonathan Edwards by Ed Reese  p.12
Fundamental Publishers   1975

Anne Kerr, I miss sharing these little writing ditties with you. I miss your "real mail" in my "real" mailbox.



"The Lord your God is in your midst,

A victorious warrior.

He will exult over YOU with joy, 

He will quiet YOU with His love,

He wii rejoice over YOU with shouts of joy."

Zephaniah 3:17 
(emphasis mine and very intentional)

This has to be the best Christmas gift ever!

Take your time unwrapping it.


Saturday, December 16, 2017


"'All who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted' (2 Timothy 3:12). Clearly, there is a sense in which the danger of our lives increases in proportion to the depth of our relationship with Christ."

Nik Ripken
The Insanity Of God  p.xxiv
Broadman & Holman  2013

 As For Me

You've heard pastors or fellow Christians encourage you to claim God's promises, haven't you? Claim them. Take them. Possess them. They're yours.

Did they, also, mention this one about those who desire to live godly lives? Or how about one I heard whispered to my heart today: "In the world you (will) have tribulation . . . ?"

"BUT take courage . . . "

And so I am . . . . . . .  remembering that . . .

HE has overcome the world.  (John 16:33)


Remember This -- Forget That

"In Habakkuk 2:2, the Lord states, 'Write down the revelation.' Why? Because we have a natural tendency to remember what we should forget and forget what we should remember."

Mark Batterson
Draw The Circle  p.37
Zondervan  2012

Can I get an Amen?

I should forget words that hurt me or make me doubt my value.

I should remember God's Words that tell me I'm gifted and precious in His sight.


Friday, December 15, 2017


"I'm convinced that the day will come when we thank God for the prayers He did not answer as much as the ones He did because He had a better answer."

Mark Batterson
Draw The Circle  p.35

As For Me

Ray is the better answer! Thank you, Jesus.


Thursday, December 14, 2017


A faith-based medical clinic operated in a large Islamic country. Many locals appreciated good medical care, and didn't concern themselves with the staff's religion.

Many, but not Mahmoud. He did everything mean to turn Muslims against people operating the medical facility. He cursed them, accused them of poisoning Muslims and charging them higher fees.

 Then . . . he got cancer.

 Regular shoppers quit coming, fearful of catching the incurable disease. So, besides being sick, Mahmoud couldn't provide for his family.

Christians, from the clinic, began shopping at Mahmoud's store. They chatted and expressed concern, and always told him they were praying for him.

Could you show such kindness? I have to be honest. I would struggle. Or I might  try for "a while" hoping he would believe in and accept Jesus. And if he didn't . . . what? Would I give up on my "project?"  (Ish!!) Or keep loving?

"Over time . . ." Nik Ripken writes.

"Finally . . ." he adds.

Mahmoud's attitude changed to gratitude and friendship.

Mahmoud, before he died, accepted Christ. 

I believe if he hadn't committed his life to Jesus, these Christians would have loved him to the very end.

Would You?

Would I?


The Insanity Of God  p.293-294
Nik Ripken
Broadman &Holman  2013

Monday, December 11, 2017


"Too often we pray ASAP prayers--as soon as possible. We need to start praying ALAT prayers--as long as it takes."

Mark Batterson
Draw The Circle   p.10
Zondervan  2013

As For Me

That's been one of the biggest take-aways for me from Batterson's book. Keep praying! Don't be discouraged if answers take weeks, months, or even years. 

It reminds me of Mary, a woman who prayed for the prodigals weighing heavy on my heart. "You may not be alive when God answers," she said.

You'd think that would depress me. It didn't. It freed me!

I don't have to worry about what I see or don't see. I just keep on loving and keep on praying.


Saturday, December 9, 2017


"The large crowd . . . came, not for Jesus' sake only, but that they might also see Lazarus, raised from the dead."
John 12:9 (emphasis mine)


What does a man, who walked out of his own grave, look like?

Is he brighter? Angelic? 

Is he thinner? He hasn't eaten for 4 days!

Is he telling people what it felt like to be dead? Or what it felt like to hear his friend's voice command him to come forth?

Did Lazarus get a glimpse of heaven? If so, did he hate to come back?

Can you move a little to the right, please? I want to see, too. I want to hear.

How about you?

Add life to your devotion time. Jump into the story. Ask questions of the Scriptures, even if answers aren't available.

"Try it. You'll Like It.


PS: The chief priests planned to put Lazarus to death. (John 12:10-11)

        Can you keep from smiling? Was Lazarus supposed to be scared?

Monday, December 4, 2017


"In the fable of the chicken and the pig, the two animals discuss opening a restaurant together. As they plan their menu, the chicken suggests they serve ham and eggs. The pig swiftly objects saying, "No thanks. I'd be committed, but you would only be involved."

Kristen Holmberg (her title as well--none better)
Our Daily Bread   Volume 62  #9
December 2, 2017

As For Me

I think I've read this before; but I'm struck by its placement in the middle of a devotion.

Am I committed or involved?

Is involved a step toward committment? 

Would love your thoughts . . .

Saturday, December 2, 2017


"I think a case can be made for saying that 'hope' is a synonym for prayer! As a matter of fact, hope is to prayer what a wick is to a firecracker. You cannot light a firecracker without a wick any more than you can pray without hope."

John DeVries
Why Pray?   P. 216
Mission India  2005

Ooohs and aaahs wave through the crowd as fireworks spray from every direction across the night sky.

But Dad's favorites? They EXPLODED! Without warning--shaking the ground beneath us, not to mention our nerves--for a second or two.

Imagine yourself admiring oranges, reds, yellows and purples. Now look closer. They're sparks of hope--millions of them. Splattered in every direction.

 Then out of nowhere, comes a blinding white orb followed by God's smile and an explosive  YES!

Firecracker Prayers!


Friday, December 1, 2017


"Instead of making a one inch incision to part my stomach muscles, the cutting device ripped a 3-4 inch gash into my midsection. The razor sharp instrument tore through my intestines, bowel and --worst of all--right through my aorta. It then struck like a dagger into my spine, severing a number of nerve bundles."

Steve Sjogren
The Day I Died   
Regal Books  2006

As For Me

Though tests showed the oddity of no gallbladder, surgeons determined to remove it.

Throughout his book, Steve calls this horribly botched surgery an accident. I thought of more appropriate words--like stupidity or utter carelessness.

Were I him or his wife, I'd have been pointing fingers, hiring lawyers, and defaming anyone near that surgery. Anger would become my life's blood while, at the same time, self pity would, slowly and painfully, suck the life right out of me.

Not Steve. By the end of his book, I felt my stoney heart give way to a bright red organ pumping with mercy.

I imagined the surgeon being tossed around by a storm of guilt. I considered how that cloud of guilt might affect his marriage, family, friendships, and work environment.

Who could touch that giant guilt but Steve? By his forgiveness . . . by his refusing to give up but, instead,  living his life to the fullest! By trusting and leaning on God and by looking forward to his future. By impacting untold number of lives.

You would expect someone brought back from death to life to, also, be completely healed. Not so. Steve lives with more challenges than you and I could imagine. Read his book. It's small but powerful.

Thank you, Steve,