Sunday, July 29, 2018


"Words people say to us not only have shelf life but have the ability to shape life."

Bob Goff
Love Does  p. 88
Thomas Nelson  2012

Ray and I were just chatting over Michigan Cherry coffee. Num!

I reminded him of something someone said at a prayer meeting we attended-----44 years ago! There are days that prophetic word still encourages me.

A couple comments made to me as a teenager shaped my self-esteem, or lack thereof.

Not long ago, I struggled with my old eyes and their lack of vitality. Since then, I've been told (by people who had no clue of my struggle) that my eyes sparkle, that they reveal Jesus, that they are the most beautiful part of me. Those compliments help me to trust God.

Words have shelf life! 

Choose them wisely,


God's Word has shelf life. Share it.

". . . so is my word that goes out from my mouth: it will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it."

Isaiah 55:11  NIV

"The grass withers and flowers fall, but the word of God endures forever."

Isaiah 40:8


Saturday, July 28, 2018


"God knows every moment of our past and loves us as if he didn't."

Chris Hodges
The Daniel Dilemma  p.12
Nelson Books  2017

"You will again have compassion on us; you will tread our sins underfoot
 and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea."

Micah 7:19  NIV

Friday, July 27, 2018


"Just because this nation is "free" does not mean you're free to do whatever you want. There are boundaries, laws, within which everyone must restrict  their freedom.

"Within these boundaries, everyone's personal definition of freedom could infringe on others' personal freedoms."

Priscilla Shirer
The Armor of God   p. 55
Lifeway Press  2015

Simply worth pondering . . .

A discussion could go on for hours----and would certainly need a moderator. How I'd love to hear the heart of an opposing side, minus the entitlement.

Pick your freedom. How will you express your heart without canned (ready-to-serve) arguments?

Priscilla would go on to suggest that though laws are restrictive, they allow us to live peaceably with one another. We may not agree with all the laws, but can you imagine a city or nation without any laws.  Scary.

Your Thoughts?


Thursday, July 26, 2018


It's been eons since I've written about sheep. But . . . that's where I felt God leading me.

Characteristics of a Healthy Sheep

Good Appetites (for God's Word)
Bright Eyes
Flocking Nature (fellowship)
Lambs Fully Engaged In Play, then . . .
Sleeping So Soundly you'd think them dead.
(my additions)


As For Me

I pulled up my concordance to see what Scripture has to say about these characteristics. Notice the first in my list above: CONTENTMENT.

Now smile.

I'm learning a lot. Here lies the glitch--big difference between information and transformation. 

But God is able--and willing. (smile again)


Monday, July 23, 2018


Timothy Keller
Inner Struggle

"The people most passionate about social justice were moral relativists, while the morally upright didn't seem to care about the oppression going on all over the world. I was emotionally drawn to the former path--what young person wouldn't be? Liberate the oppressed and sleep with who you wanted! But I kept asking the question, 'If morality is relative; why isn't social justice as well?'"

Timothy Keller
The Reason For God   p. xii
Riverhead Books  2016

As For Me

Two things come to mind.

1.  I love cute little animals, their sweet furry faces, their begging          for attention, and their utter loyalty. I totally agree that abuse is wrong! But every time I see those commercials, I wonder--how can people be so passionate about saving an animal's life--but then be okay with killing a baby via abortion? Relativism . . . or not?

2.  And then there's this. We Need Each Other! 
We need someone to remind us of all the suffering beyond our cozy homes. We need someone to show us the inconsistency of our passions. We need the viewpoints of others. We might even need some extremists--because sometimes little else opens our eyes.

And We All Need God,


Sunday, July 22, 2018


"When culture shifts . . . we tend toward extremes, in part because they seem easier . . .

"We may feel so angry, threatened, and frustrated that we want to withdraw from culture, attacking and condemning people who don't agree with us. 


We may become so battle weary that we're tempted to issue a blanket acceptance that avoids any cultural conflicts."

Chris Hodges
The Daniel Dilemma   p. xix
Nelson Books  2017

As For Me

I go to the library and the bookstore.

I read nearly every book I can find. Yes, I definitely lean toward a Christian perspective, but not always . . . I want to know the heart of, say, someone LGBTQ.

Several years ago, I researched a subject--really hoping to be wrong. Hoping Scripture wasn't as confining as others had lead me to believe. But . . . they were right. 

So what do I do? Pray. Love.

While many may not see the transition, I believe that much of the Church sees how harsh they/we have been. We are learning to love--AND enjoying it. We are also learning that holding to Scripture is possible in the midst of loving.

May God Be Glorified.
May the Heart of Jesus Be Seen.



Tuesday, July 17, 2018


"Every time we resist the slightest temptation, we honor God. Every time we overcome even the smallest problem by trusting and obeying our Lord Jesus, God is glorified in our lives. 

"Whenever we choose character over convenience, faithfulness over ease, or honesty over deceit, we bring honor to the Lord Himself."

Robert J. Morgan
The Red Sea Rules   p.36
Word Publishing Group   2014

As For Me

I am SO encouraged!

And . . . determined to celebrate baby steps---- instead of beating myself up over failures. Growth will come.

To God Be The Glory,


Tuesday, July 10, 2018


"Those exquisite responses we see, the amazing timing and strength such as an athlete displays, aren't produced and maintained by the short hours of the game itself. They are available to the athlete for those short and all-important hours because of a daily routine no one sees."

Dallas Willard
The Spirit Of The Disciplines  p. 4
Harper Collins  1988

As For Me

Where doesn't this apply? Take any of the arts; excellence lies in frequent, if not daily, practice.

Take a healthy body. Uh . . . it requires eating more veggies and less red licorice. It requires drinking more water than soda or coffee. 

Take a clean house (or not) . . . I can do it weekly, monthly, or when company's coming. But, washing dishes daily or mopping up spills when they happen can sure make the task less overwhelming.

Much of all these go unseen and unappreciated, but the payoff is definitely worth the effort.

Likewise with spiritual disciplines like prayer, Bible reading, fellowship or . . . biting my tongue.

Feeling God's presence, hearing His direction, experiencing His peace, care and pleasure--all great payoffs. Peace and love in my relationships are worth the daily, unseen, disciplines too.

Preaching To Myself,


Wednesday, July 4, 2018


"We may feel so angry, threatened, and frustrated that we want to withdraw from culture, attacking and condemning people who don't agree with us.

"Or we may become so battle weary that we're tempted to issue a blanket acceptance that avoids any cultural conflicts."

Chris Hodges
The Daniel Dilemma   p.xix
Nelson Books  2017

Which way do you lean?

For me, I suppose it depends on the day and how hard I've been pushed.

The subtitle of the book expresses my heart's desire:
How To Stand Firm and Love Well In A Culture of Compromise

"Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you (me) will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."  Philippians 1:6 NIV
