Tuesday, January 29, 2019


"I will never be able to control what other people have going on in their heads
or in their conversations.

But with the help of the Holy Spirit in me,
I can absolutely learn to control how much I allow the fear
of their opinions
to have access to my life."

Lysa Terkeurst
It's Not Supposed To Be This Way  p. 59
Nelson Books   2018

Most of the time, I don't know what they're thinking;
but I beat myself up with what I think they are thinking
or will think.
That may feel like damage control, but it causes more harm than it prevents.

Mom told me I had a wild imagination.
Enough said,


Monday, January 28, 2019


This is so not going to have a polished appearance or sound. But please, it will be worth your read.

I have 3 days left of my prepaid Caribou cup. (They call it free coffee; I take full advantage of it, so some is free.) But, I have to tell you, if I only had tonight's conversation with Cheryl, it would be worth it! 

The conversation began with her getting books banned from school. Books from 1964 being used in 2000; books that taught racism. White folks got mad at her. She told some that it was for them too . . . lest they have a child come home in a box. (Not a threat, but a knowledge of the tension.)

At fifteen, with a young child, she didn't miss one PTA meeting. She'd heard the statistics of people like her . . . and she wasn't going to be a part of that statistic. One night, a teacher asked her if she could talk. "Yes, but I have nothing to say." 
"Wrong. You have plenty to say. You're here."

She spoke in school (s): Everything You Wanted To Know About Blacks But Were Afraid To Ask. She had the kids write questions on cards and warned the teachers NOT TO REMOVE ANY. When she was done with her talk, she asked if any kids didn't get their questions answered.  

Eight!! Eight raised their hands.

Teachers had indeed pulled the questions. She took a 5 minute break for those cards to reappear.

Cheryl experienced foster homes--not finding out till much later that each of the households were given money for her food and clothes. Though treated poorly, even using the word slave, she was put back in the same home. She took a picture of the knot on her son's head which the parents tried to blame her for. She recorded things this awful dad said to her. 

Then . . .
She went to the judge.

Baby in tow, with bottles to feed him, she said,
"I'm not leaving until I see him."

She told the judge she didn't have much to say, but a lot (recordings) for him to listen to. She told him,"This is the kind of home you put me in, and others too. It's not right!" The judge pulled the liscense for foster care from this family.

The last home she was placed in was with a woman who didn't want more kids, but gave in. She told Cheryl she'd heard this was going to be tough. 

During all these homes, Cheryl was going to school, working a job, and caring for her child. This foster mom, impressed with that, told Cheryl she would just let her be. 

"Oh, no. I need to do chores. I need to pull my weight."

This mom told Cheryl to save her money. That she was given money for her needs.  The FIRST Cheryl knew of that.

This foster mom went out on a limb for Cheryl, putting a deposit down on an apartment for her and going to the judge to okay it. "She does well, but she needs someone to fall back on. I will be that someone." The judge stuck his neck out and okayed the apartment. 

Cheryl had a tough time. She remembers crying without food for herself, but knowing she had to care for her baby.

A junior high teacher told Cheryl that she was the most inspirational person she knew, because she fought and kept on fighting. 

I've had short conversations with Cheryl before . . . and been impressed with her parenting and wisdom. Tonight, Caribou is slow and it afforded us time. I mean to tell you, I could wish for more cold ugly weather to hear more.

How I wish I'd known Cheryl decades ago. She is proof that tough times build character, strength, and wisdom.

But, I've avoided tough times like the stomach flu. 

I'm growing.

Thank You, God, for Cheryl and for Your faithfulness.
Your Introverted But Grateful Daughter.


"The word gospel means 'good news.'

some people witness as though the gospel is the bad news of condemnation."

Warren W. Wiersbe
Be Complete  p. 837 Nook (Be Bundle Series)
David C Cook  1981

Sad isn't it?
Why do we try to "scare the hell" out of someone?
Hell is real.

Just saying . . .

Saturday, January 26, 2019


" . . . we no longer experience the many things, people, and events as
 endless causes of worry,
but begin to experience them as the rich variety
of ways
in which God makes his presence known to us."

Henri Nouwen
The Spiritual Life  p. 28/Nook

Not an easy choice by any means, but our choice none the less.
We can look for matters to get even worse----calling it a reality check; or preparation for the inevitable.
We can look for God.


Friday, January 25, 2019


A Brownie leader said that?

"Sometimes I'd like to flush you down the toilet!"

"Looking back, I realize why her words stung
but didn't scar.

. . .

"I heard (daily) life-giving affirmation from my parents.
I love you.
We're proud of you.
Thanks for being so kind."

A Moment To Breathe  p. 51 Nook
Broadman and Holman/Dayspring  2017

Seems to me, we can be wounders or healers.

James tells us (1:19)
"Be quick to listen slow to speak . . ."

Help me God,

Thursday, January 24, 2019


"Many people of faith are convinced that their ability to believe, proclaim, and practice their genuine faith convictions is in danger 
not just of ridicule but also of punishment.

" They hear themselves routinely---and unfairly---compared to racist bigots."

Hugh Hewitt of the Washington Post
as quoted by
Stephen E. Strang/ Trump Aftershock  p.11
Frontline  2018

As Christians, most of us know that day is coming; but can you blame us for putting it off?

* "He defends the Christian faith more than any other president in my lifetime."
Rev. Franklin Graham  (p. 206)

*" . . . in Donald Trump's first term, I believe he has been more dedicated to the sanctity of human life and the welfare of the family than any of his predecessors.
His language is sometimes crude, and 
his record as a 'family man' has been shoddy.
However he appears to understand that 'as the family goes, so goes the nation.'"

Dr. James Dobson as quoted by Stephen Strang

These are reasons I voted for Trump.
President Trump is keeping his promises.

God, help me be bold and respectful to proclaim the Truth
until Jesus returns, 



"He was tempted to commit every sin in the thesaurus of human iniquity,
yet he never committed one (Heb. 4:15)."

Calvin Miller
Once Upon A Tree  p. 19
Howard Books  2002

Everytime I read of someone, in Scripture, trying to find guilt in Jesus
and finding none, 
I get excited.

For that reason, He qualifies as Savior.
The Only One who does.



"A great ballet artist, on completion of a masterful interpretation, was asked why she performed the dance in her particular way.

" 'If I could have ssid it, do you suppose i would have danced it?' "

"So it is with Christ.
He would not have answered us with a cross if he could have written an essay."

Calvin Miller
Once Upon A Tree  p. 14-15
Howard Books  2002

Don't we say that actions speak louder than words?
And so, they do.



"I cannot lay aside my need for him,
and he
is incapable of laying aside his love for me."

Calvin Miller
Once Upon A Tree   p. vii
Howard Books   2002

Feeling Secure,

Wednesday, January 23, 2019


"The Cross was God's finest effort to 
His love, but we would never have stopped to consider it
without the Resurrection.

And without the majesty and sacrifice of the Cross, 
we would have forgotten the Resurrection in a fortnight.

Both are imperative to our faith."

Calvin Miller
Once Upon A Tree  p. 202
Howsrd Publishing  2002

Without the resurrection, the death of Jesus is no more than the loss of another good man. 

And with Heaven and Hell in the balance, we need more than another good man.
We need a Savior.

Ours For The Asking,


Wednesday, January 16, 2019


My Text to Larry,
 Ray's brother:

"Just started a book--amazing so far.

"For Love of  Country: What Our Veterans Can Teach Us About 
Citizenship, Heroism, and Sacrifice."

What do you think veterans/you can teach us?
Or more, 
What do you think we need to know or learn?"

"That's deep. As a veteran, I would go back even with one leg
to defend this country.

Most of the veterans I know feel the same way.

Does this country have issues, sure, 
but still better than others.

Some of the complainers should go elsewhere 
and feel their freedom taken away.

They can't complain about who is in charge and 
no freedom to worship the way you want.

Big thing is that we didn't join to kill people
but to defend our way of life.

Most people will never understand 
Or Duty
And the Sacrifice
made for them.

Sorry I will get off my high horse. 
I don't look down on those that didn't serve;
don't look down on me because I did.

Sorry, I learned a lot about myself
and the love of others."

Larry West
Feb. 16, 2019

I began reading military books when my dad was alive--gave us something to talk about; I learned so much.
I agree. I don't think we have a CLUE what our servicemen and women go through. Thus, we don't appreciate them or the freedom we enjoy.

Grateful and Humbled,

Tuesday, January 15, 2019


Thinking of friends this morning and so grieved with what they are going through-- for the umpteenth year! 

Multiple maladies (and those serious) and multiple physical limitations. Pain!! It's always been there. Now ACCELERATED! (emphasis intentional)

He's continued to work, a champion of dreaming up computer solutions for the blind. He hasn't given up, but . . . now the pain that has given him very abbreviated sleep, most nights, is giving him none.

I wanted to write a note this morning. I wanted to say (to he And his wife) "I don't know how you do it." 

Oh, I can't say that. How discouraging!

BUT . . .
Then I remembered . . .

someone saying that to me in the midst of financial and scary health circumstances that would alter our future. Many kind gestures were made: promises of prayer, Bible verses we could "name and claim," hugs, promises of healing, provision, and God's good plan.

But one day, someone said,
"I don't know how you do it."
I got to the car and burst into tears!

Someone understands.
This is hard!
This is long term.

I don't recommend saying that to anyone and everyone. I wouldn't even say it to me too often. I'm prone to painting myself a victim. 
But there are times 
when it might be what it takes 
to allow a person to grieve, and then to find the ability to go on
 in God's strength, 
Because Someone Understands,


Monday, January 14, 2019


" . . . if we are going to voice our approval when Trump does well, we should likewise voice our disapproval when he does poorly.

"Otherwise, we appear to be flunkies for the president, more committed to opposing the liberal media than for standing for
what is right, more interested in political favor than in
the smile of God."

Dr. Michael Brown

I've read several political books in the last few years. 
Donald Trump Is Not My Savior 
hits the mark for me. It allows me to appreciate what I feel Trump has done well, while still allowing me to be disgusted with some of his actions and his past.

"One evangelical leader who strongly supports Trump called him 
'God's chaos candidate' and likened him to a divine wrecking ball. Must we defend everything the wrecking ball says and does?
Will not there be some collateral damage that we regret?
Why must we whitewash the Whitehouse to show loyalty or support?

Trump was my LAST choice. I couldn't believe it came down to him or Hillary!
I, along with many others, could not vote for Hillary.

Dr. Brown tells it like it is--the good, bad AND ugly. Brown was, no way, going to vote for Donald Trump.  
His book shows us the progress of his thoughts and feelings. Short chapters from August 2015 to August 2018.

Wow! He voiced many of my own feelings as
he warns against blind loyalty. 
I think, now, he would agree that President Trump is God's idea. 

If you've read any of my political thoughts, you know that I believe God raises up leaders--for our blessing or our discipline/judgement.

Maybe sometimes both.

Want to know why I voted for Trump but hesitated greatly? 

At peace with my vote and with those 
who disagree,


Saturday, January 12, 2019

40,000 GRAVES

"In the Iran-Iraq war, on the Thursday before the battle began, the Iraqi soldiers dug 40,000 graves in the lonely desert sands. They did not dig these graves for the enemies they hoped to slaughter, but for themselves. These holes signified their committment to die for their cause."

Calvin Miller
Once Upon A Tree   p. 165
Howard Publishing  2002

That's committment!

I became pretty discouraged a while back. 
"I give up on everything!
I'm so afraid of failure, or sacrifice . . ."

"Not true," God said. 
"You are still married."

"I am."

"You are still walking with Me."

"I am.
 I can't imagine life without You."

I know there are things or people you haven't given up on.
God sees.

Loved in whatever stage I find myself in;
Thank you, God,


Why the lower case "l" for lonnie?
It serves as a reminder to me. Each time I type it, I repeat John's words: "He must increase; I must decrease." 

"He must become greater; I must become less."  NIV
John 3:30

Thursday, January 10, 2019


A concerned wife talked to a counselor about friction in her marriage; she didn't understand what the problem was.

"Friction is caused by one of two things," said the counselor, and to illustrate he picked up two blocks of wood . . .

"If one block is moving and one is standing still,
there's friction.

"Or if both are moving but in opposite directions,
there's friction.
Now which is it?"

Hmmmmm . . .

" . . . I've been going backward in my Christian life, and Joe has been growing. What I need is to get back in fellowship with the Lord."

Warren W. Wiersbe
Be Joyful   p. 31-32
David C. Cook  1974

For me, the picture might look like this:
Ray walks in faith.
I walk in fear.
Can you feel the friction?


Tuesday, January 8, 2019


" . . . faith does not control God. 
It doesn't make God do anything.

" . . . it gives us access to what God has already intended to do for us

"God is the one who graciously made salvation available to us;
faith is simply what allows us to gain access to it."

Priscilla Shirer
The Armor Of God  p. 139
Lifeway Press   2017

As For Me
I don't know about you, but that thinking stands me on my head. And, what looks right from that position?

How about you? Have you thought if you expressed faith and denied doubt, you could make God answer your prayers? Have you pictured God as unwilling?

Let's Re-paint The Picture,


Sunday, January 6, 2019


In Priscilla Shirer's book, The Armor of God, she asks what the biggest hinderances are to acting in faith.

(Journal 8/3/18)

"Wanting immediate results."

"Wanting a faith-pill rather than circumstances that
require and build faith."

I hate it when I'm right!
But hoping someone (s) can relate.

Journaling keeps me honest
and growing . . .


Thursday, January 3, 2019

84,315 TIMES

"We never know when our prayers will be answered, 
and we never know when
we are the answer to someone else's prayers."

Mark Batterson
Draw The Circle  p.111
Zondervan  2012

Johnny's mom prayed for her 12 children 3 times a day. At the time of her death she would have prayed for Johnny 84,315 times.

When a next-door invited Johnny to church, the 92 year old raised his hand to receive Jesus as his Savior.

Colour Me Excited,

Wednesday, January 2, 2019


"It is therefore a mistake,
though an understandable one,
to think that if you abandon belief in God
it somehow
makes the problem of evil easier to handle."

Tim Keller
The Reason For God  p.27
Viking   2008

Been there.
Tried that.
Didn't work.
Now, I wonder how anyone gets through those 
life-crushing times without the power 
and love of God.



"Because of the vitality of religious faith in the world,
 efforts to suppress it or control it 
only make it stronger."

Tim Keller
The Reason For God  p.6
Viking  2008

Keller goes on to explain that, after World War II, Chinese Communists forced Western missionaries to leave. While the Chinese thought Christianity would leave with the missionaries, it had quite the opposite effect.

"This move served to make leadership of the Chinese church 
more indigenous and 
therefore to strengthen it."
    P. 6

I see two things:
1. Successful Missionaries: The people they shared the gospel with had been taught to carry on without them.

2. The Wonder of God: God uses what we think is the worst thing possible and turns it into good. 

I'm encouraged,

God's Word
"So that your faith might not be in
the wisdom of men, but on the power of God.
1 Corinthians 2:5

Continued, Postscript, Whatever but an AHH HA for me.

3. (Romans 8:28) God DOES cause all thing to work together for good. We may not SEE it. The good may be for someone else.

"Our Shepherd is the One who uses it all for good---our good, the good of others, and for His good purposes."
Jennifer Rothschild
Psslm 23 : The Shepherd With Me  p. 183
Lifeway  2018