God and I took a walk this morning. The sun shining on rippling waters brought healing to my heart. I love it when He and I have conversation--even when it's not easy.
With Harvey devastating Texas, Irma is on her way to Florida. I keep praying that God will steer her away from people and buildings.
God, I beg for mercy; but let Your Hand be seen--whether it's judgment or mercy. And, may Your Hand not be missed.
It is possible to see both judgment and mercy. But, even though it's not missed, it may be denied. Don't become angry or discouraged when people deny My Hand. I'm working.
God, I also beg that Christians be wise in what they say; or that they would refrain from speaking at all. Let them pull back their fingers of blame. We ALL need to repent.
Thank You For Your Unfailing Love, God,
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