"Often we regiment ourselves to a daily Bible reading schedule and hurry on in our reading to keep up.
"The importance of reading the Bible is not reading but fellowship with the Author."
A.W. Tozer
The Essential Tozer Collection/The Purpose of Man p. 180-181
Bethany House 2013
As For Me
I think the original intent for Bible reading plans was to get us to read books we'd never touch otherwise like, say, Numbers or Leviticus.
Tozer is right. I do hurry through. I do struggle to keep up. Through the struggle though, I find such faith builders and such assurance of God's love, power, and promises.
AND YET . . .
Church of the Open Door has taught me, as Tozer suggests, to read smaller portions and then just sit with them. Fellowship with God has been lifechanging and sweet.
I DO have a plan. It's to read s l o w e r.
PS: I almost didn't finish Tozer's book. At times it was like pushing my legs through snow drifts. But the last chapter was worth the rest.
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