Friday, November 24, 2017


"My point . . . is that when I was growing up to be Catholic was to be a bit different. It was a little bit beyond--in some parts of the country a lot beyond--what was respectable.

"And the Church, I must say, far from seeking to eliminate that differentness, in some ways seemed to go out of its way to emphasize it."

Antonin Scalia
Scalia Speaks: Relections on Law, Faith, and Life Well Lived   p.128
Crown Forum  2017

What Say You?

I enjoy listening to Susie Larson interviewing authors on KTIS. She often presents a dilemma of the Christian walk, and then asks the author, "What say you?"

I'm thinking that if we can do so, without being obnoxious, Christians also should emphasize what makes us different?

BUT . . .

What Say You?

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