Thursday, May 10, 2018


"Wolves run in packs; sheep huddle in flocks; we speak of herds of elephants and gaggles of geese and even a murder of crows. But there is no special name for a group of porcupines. They travel alone."

John Ortberg
Everybody's Normal Till You Get To Know Them   p.22
Zondervan 2003

No duh! Who even wants to capture a picture of a porcupine--unless they have a powerful you-can-keep-your-distance lens? With barbs aimed and ready, what if the Quill-Master feels threatened? What if he fears being hurt?

What if my neighbors fear being hurt . . .  by me? Or family members, co-workers, church folk? What if I look like I'm having a really bad hair day--spikes pointing in every direction? They'll likely stay away--and I'll likely stay alone, just when I'm needing someone close.

One of His sheep, but some days disguised in porcupine quills. Sorry . . .

"There really is an answer to the ancient question, how do porcupines make love? They pull in their quills and learn to dance.  p. 25

Love it!

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