Sunday, December 30, 2018


"Anytime we feel not good enough we deny the
powerful truth
that we are a glorious work of God
in progress.

"We are imperfect because we are unfinished."

Lysa Terkeurst
It's Not Supposed To Be This Way    p.77
Nelson Books  2018

God's Word

". . . I am fearfully and wonderfully made . . ."
Psalm 139:14

Good enough.

"The Lord your God . . . will take great delight in you . . .
will rejoice over you with singing."
Zephaniah 3:17 

Absolutely loved and enjoyed.

" . . . he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."
Philippians 1:6

You and me:
Good and getting better. 
Absolutely loved and 
A work in progress.


Saturday, December 29, 2018


"But it's the prayers you pray when you
feel like 
you want to quit
that bring the greatest breakthroughs."

Mark Batterson
Draw The Circle   p. 99
Zondervan  2012

I've just finished listening to a book, titled Unplanned, by Abby Johnson. How many prayers were prayed for Abby?

She'd had 2 abortions and had become Director of a Planned Parenthood Clinic.

How many prayers before her mind, heart, and life were changed?

I've been praying for years, too.
It's too soon to quit.


PS:  In listening to Abby's story, you can clearly see God working.
The people praying could not.
They kept praying.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018


we can't expect confetti and balloons every time we obey,
I still wonder what we might be missing
when we don't take time to listen,
and obey.

God's Word

". . . we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything.
because you say so,
I will let the nets down.

. . .

"They caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break . . .

both boats so full they began to sink."

Luke 5: 6-7

Because You say so . . .

I GET IT, BUT . . .

". . . beyond our ability to endure . . .

we despaired of life itself . . .

this happened
that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, 
who raises the dead." 

1 Corinthians 1: 8-9

I get it.
I just don't like it.


Some mock Christians saying that 
Jesus is just a crutch--to which I respond,
"So what?"

Praying God's Word

"To him who is able to keep you
from stumbling


to present you before his glorious presence
without fault
with great joy."

Jude v. 24

One word prayer: Thank You.


Perusing past pages of my current journal; I'll likely post many entries today.

Remember, this blog is about eaves dropping on what God is teaching me. Repetition and writing help me remember.

I hope that, sometimes, this blog meets someone else's need. I hope, sometimes, my blog makes people smile; and sometimes makes readers sigh, "Yay. I'm not the only one with that struggle, or with that crazy answer."

Bring the prodigals home.
Amber Alerts notify us of missing children--likely in danger.

We have missing children--in danger, too.
God, bring them Home--to You.
When they come home, let unbelievers come with them.

Let their time away not be wasted.

Be with waiting parents--help them/us to love, pray, and trust.

In Jesus' Name.

Praying God's Word

"I have prayed for you Simon, that your faith
may not fail.
And when you turn back,
strengthen your brothers."

Luke 22: 31  New International Version

Thursday, December 20, 2018


Did you know this?

"the tiny mustard seed contains all the nutrients you need
to survive.
It's packed with
Vitamin B1, B6, C, E, and K.
It's a source of calcium,
and zinc."

I know now, and I Still 
Could Not
Care Less!

Please don't buy me any for Christmas.
Or any other day.

Sincere thanks,

Draw The Circle  p. 74


"See how He's been faithful
in the past, 
trust Him to be faithful in the future."

Jennifer Rothschild
Psalm 23: The Shepherd With Me  p. 152
Lifeway  2018

Reliable roof over my head.
Warm, dry bed.
Fresh and tasty food in cupboards, frig and stomach.
People who love me.
People I love. 
Freedom to read God's Word and to sing His praises.
Car with gas and heat.
Clothes and a closet to put them in.
Extras. Lots of extras.

Some days, I confess, I get scared. But what I can't even imagine, God can do.
And He has.

God is Absolutely Faithful!


Friday, December 14, 2018


Went to jail
For playing music?

"I wouldn't stop playing my guitar. Used to be I played it on the street and sometimes people would give me money.

I didn't do it for the money.
I did it because the music is better if someone is listening to it."

I love words! And these are great!

It's Christmas. Make the music better.

Kate DiCamillo
Because Of Winn-Dixie  p.130
Candlewick Press   2000

Wednesday, December 12, 2018


"Sometimes the purpose of prayer is to get us out of circumstances, but more often than not, the purpose of prayer is to
get us through them."

Mark Batterson
Draw The Circle  p. 34
Zondervan  2012

When we come "through" we discover dimensions of God and of His love that we haven't known before.

He Is Faithful!


Monday, December 10, 2018


"And by the way, Starbucks employees were never told
they could not say
Merry Christmas.
But that's not their job anyway--
that's our job.

"It's the Christian's job to tell people about 
not the barista who may be Jewish, secular, or whatever.

Don't get outraged at things that don't matter."

Ed Stetzer
Christians In The Age Of Outrage  p. xiv
Tyndale Momentum  2018

Sadly, in previous years I joined the grumbling crowd of self-righteous Christians. 
I DETERMINED to wish people--especially store clerks--
 a Blessed Christmas.

And that's a perfect response!
So long as it is said with a contagious smile and a heart of love,
rather than an attitude of 
'You are not the boss of me!'

Enjoy Jesus This Christmas.
I truly believe He enjoys you,

Saturday, December 8, 2018


" Go home.
Lock yourself in your room. 
Kneel down . . .
with a piece of chalk draw a circle
around yourself.

. . . Pray fervently and brokenly that God would start a revival 
within that chalk circle."

Help me God,


"Rodney 'Gypsy' Smith . . . never received a formal education,
yet he lectured at Harvard.
. . . He was invited by two sitting  United States presidents
to the White House."

Mark Batterson jump-starts my heart when he writes about this mighty man of prayer. Gypsy Smith never preached without someone coming to Jesus.

BUT . . .

Mark quickly points out that it wasn't sermons that brought revival. 
"Preaching may move the hearts of men, but praying
moves the heart of God.

"And that's where revival comes from."

Mark Batterson
Draw The Circle  p. 8-9
Zondervan 2012

I don't read books 2 times, let alone 5! I haven't made it cover to cover each time, but this has been the most impactful book on prayer I've ever read. While Batterson does not agree with "name-it-claim-it" praying, he by no means steals my faith or my spirit of expectancy. He DOES give me bricks and tools to build a tower of perseverance and trust.

Not Waiting To Make A New Year's Resolution.
Starting Now,

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

CELEBRATE THE SUNRISE . . . . . . or not.

"When my wife, Donna, sees a sunrise,
 she sees it as a beautiful start
to a great day.

When I see one, I see 
that I am up too early.

Ed Stetzer
Christians In The Age Of Outrage   p. 153
Tyndale Momentum  2018

How about you?
Venetian blinds or light-blocking drapes?

I'll take the sun, anytime!
 However, you DO know you can have it both ways.
Enjoy your first cup of coffee with the sunrise.
Then take a little nap before work.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018


"I want to assume that His promise to never leave me or forsake me means that He's operating like a supernatural shield
around me,
preventing horrific things from happening
to me and those I love."

Lysa Terkeurst
It's Not Supposed To Be This Way   p. 23
Nelson Books   2018

I have felt forsaken or forgotten at times.
How about you?
while reading Lysa's words, I remembered my reading in Luke this morning.
"A man going down from Jerusalem to Jericho . . .
stripped of his clothes 
beaten . . ." Luke 10:30

A priest crossed the road to avoid him.
Likewise, a Levite.

That's what forsaken looks like.

My God is like neither of those.
He doesn't pass to the other side of the road because I'm too much trouble.
He cares for me.
He provides others to care for me.

And, sometimes, He appoints me to help care for others.
Am I aware? Listening? Obeying?

Emmanuel: God With Us

Gratefully His,

Monday, December 3, 2018


Mark Hausfeld found himself in a coffee shop in Colorado; a favorite coffee shop of  the LGBTQ community--and that, after the awful shooting in a gay nightclub of Orlando, Fla.

As led by the Holy Spirit, he braved asking several servers at the coffee shop about the shooting; their pain, anger, and their thoughts about how Christians were reacting.

Five Common Themes Immerged
"1. Do not single out homosexuality and ignore other sins.
2. Deal with your own sin before critisizing others.
3. Ask questions and listen.
4. Protect us from hate and violence.
5. Love by words and actions.

"I was struck by the fact that people in the LGBTQ community . . . were telling Christians to act more like Jesus."

Ed Stetzer
Christians In The Age Of Outrage   p. 105
Tyndale Momentum  2018

Perhaps the reason I have leaned, so often, toward "black and white" is that it leaves no room for awkward discussions. Perhaps it's time to change. 

Talk about an elephant in the room! Several people I love live in this experience; but I've never asked them how it feels. 

How about you? 

Scared Spitless  
But willing to be made willing,