Monday, December 10, 2018


"And by the way, Starbucks employees were never told
they could not say
Merry Christmas.
But that's not their job anyway--
that's our job.

"It's the Christian's job to tell people about 
not the barista who may be Jewish, secular, or whatever.

Don't get outraged at things that don't matter."

Ed Stetzer
Christians In The Age Of Outrage  p. xiv
Tyndale Momentum  2018

Sadly, in previous years I joined the grumbling crowd of self-righteous Christians. 
I DETERMINED to wish people--especially store clerks--
 a Blessed Christmas.

And that's a perfect response!
So long as it is said with a contagious smile and a heart of love,
rather than an attitude of 
'You are not the boss of me!'

Enjoy Jesus This Christmas.
I truly believe He enjoys you,

1 comment:

  1. I agree we need to be who we are and let our light shine not blind.
