Sunday, April 8, 2018


"When a player dribbling the ball downfield is pressured by the defense, his  teammate behind him yells, "support," and the guy dribbling drops the ball back to him. They maintain control. On a good soccer team, the player with the ball never tries to do more than he should or could. And the teammates are always looking out for him--recognizing trouble and letting him know about it . . . Soccer is about the greater good, not the individual performance.

"Wouldn't it be cool if churches were more like soccer teams?"

Terry Esau
Surprise Me   p.22
NavPress  2005

Indeed! Wouldn't it be cool?!

Can you imagine struggling through some ugly and seemingly endless trial and hearing a voice behind you, "Support!"

I'm not a sports watcher or participater, but I might have to give soccer a try--watching that is. They don't allow canes or walkers on the field.

God, Surprise Me,

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