"Allow me to be blunt.
Outlawing same-sex marriages,
reducing the number of abortions performed each year,
or displaying the Ten Commandments in every classroom . . .
Will not increase heaven by one solitary person
apart from the proclamation of the gospel."
Robert Jeffress
Twilight's Last Gleaming p.35
Worthy Publishing 2016
As a new Christian, I was all about doing kindnesses so that people would see Jesus. I wanted everyone to know Jesus and go to heaven, and I thought my good works would accomplish that. After all, Matthew 5:16 tells us that men will see our good works and glorify our Father in heaven.
The Scripture verse says, "LET YOUR LIGHT SO SHINE . . . that they may SEE your good works and . . ."
Well, what's my light?
I believe it's my testimony--the acknowledgment of Jesus as my Savior and life focus.
I honestly can't find that balance and
it frustrates me!
When do I STAND UP? When do I SHUT UP?
Do I wait for someone to ask how I stand on those hot buttons and begin with a mention of the Bible or God lest they don't give me a chance to mention the gospel later in conversation?
Do I randomly ask people how they stand on abortion? Or, maybe I could be a little more subtle.
It IS election season.
"Hey, this is a tough political season. What issues matter the most to you?
And why?"
You know what? That might just work. I bet there are some stories behind thoughts of abortion, gender preference, immigration, or sexual abuse. We may not come away in agreement, but we both might come away with compassion and understanding.
And maybe . . .
one reluctant to believe will get a glimpse of my incredible Jesus.
"In fact, if we are not careful, we could
decrease the number
of people in heaven
if we ever compromise our long-range mission
to achieve short-term goals."
Robert Jeffress
Living in the Struggle,