Thursday, October 18, 2018


Dinah, a young Muslim and member of the morality police, called to mock Hormoz on his television program. "I and my mother are going to commit suicide---while on the phone to your program."

Her mother, the only person she had, was dying of cancer.

"I only wish you could watch me."

Hormoz challenged her. As long as she was going to kill herself anyway, why not give Jesus a chance; seven days.

"I didn't want Jesus to be the answer.
All week long, I thought of everything in my life that was negative.
I was trying to feel depressed.

But each time . . . I was flooded with peace.
I would stop by my mirror, amazed at the smile on my face.

As for my mother, she's well . . . 
and so am I!
Jesus is everything you promised."

Tom Doyle w/ Greg Webster
Dreams And Visions
Is Jesus Awakening The Muslim World?  P.75-81
Thomas Nelson  2012

All I can say is, "Jesus is real!"

AND He is "not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance."

2 Peter 3:9  NIV

When John 3:16 says that "He so loved the world," it is absolutely true.
He loves everyone.

But He loves us, as only God can, completely
One at a time.

Aren't you grate-full?

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