Saturday, March 31, 2018


"You can study the Word of God cover to cover in as many translations as you like, and nowhere will you find that the aim of our lives is the pursuit of happiness. The Declaration of Independence of our great nation allows us to pursue it, but the Word of God commands us to pursue God and love him with everything we have."

Sheila Walsh
All That Really Matters   p. 193
Waterbrook   2003

I taped a quote on my journal cover, from a devotion magazine.

God always surprises me.

Many of those surprises bring happiness, joy, awe, and even laughter. But, nothing compares to knowing Jesus and being known by Him. I've learned from Romans that nothing separates me from His love. When happiness seems out of reach, I cling to that truth. In so doing, I grow to love Him more.

Blessed Resurrection Day, Everyone!



"The tree that is blown down in the storm is rotten in its heart or it wouldn't be blown down. And the church that falls because of persecution is a church that was dead  before it fell."

A, W. Tozer  (1897-1963)
Culture   p.161
Moody   2016

No question about it. Tozer does not mince words.

I guess I'm okay with that. I don't want to live under legalism; nor return to my picture of God wielding a hammer and anxious to use it.

But neither do I want to call insults persecution. Nor do I want to cave under the world's pressures and persuasions. I want to be a tree, STRONG and able to stand solid in the storms.

"Blessed is the man . . . his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.

He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither,

Whatever he does prospers."

Psalm 1:1-3  NIV

Desiring to be strong AND loving AND pleasant,
(With God, that's possible.)


Thursday, March 29, 2018


"O Eternal One, You explored my heart and know exactly who I am." 
Psalm 139:1  The Voice Translation

I love the word "explore," though I'm not sure why God's depth of examination so blesses my heart.

Maybe . . . because God not only sees how I act, but why.

                  Maybe . . . because God knows my hurts and my healings

                                                                                    . . .  my victories and defeats.

He sees lots of room for improvement . . . but also acknowledges my progress and growth.

God sees that my teeny tiny steps take ALL the self-contol or courage I can muster.

Loving My Heavenly Father,

Monday, March 26, 2018


"In our eagerness to make converts I am afraid we have lately been guilty of using the technique of modern salesmanship, which is of course to present only the desirable qualities in a product and ignore the rest.

. . .

"He (Christ) might grieve over the retreating form of an inquirer who could not face up to the truth, but He never ran after him to try to win him with rosy promises. He would have men follow Him, knowing the cost, or He would let them go their ways.

"All this is but to say that Christ is honest. We can trust Him."

A. W. Tozer  (1897-1963)
Culture  p.143-144
Moody  2016

As For Me

Whatever I was told, in 1972, I only heard the rosy promises Tozer writes about. I enjoyed that season; and in that season, I, too, sold the Gospel and salvation like a well-trained salesman: "Want all your problems and hurts to go away? Ask Jesus into your heart."

Aaaah, but when trials came I felt lied to, as did at least one of the people I shared Jesus with. By God's grace and via the wisdom within Christian fellowship, I held onto my faith.

Years ago, there was a book titled, Old Age Is Not For Sissies.

Neither is the walk with Jesus.

Jesus doesn't put that spin on it and neither should we. That day of no tears is coming, but it isn't here yet.


"Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching."
Hebrews 10:25  NIV  (emphasis mine)

Thursday, March 22, 2018


"We can no more imagine the good things He has waiting ahead for us, both in this life and in the life to come, than Jacob could have imagined his lost boy alive and ruling Egypt."

Charles Gallandet Trumbull
As quoted in: Streams In The Desert Morning And Evening  p.209
Zondervan 2016 (1939)

Maybe a parent or spouse who thought their child/mate had died in war . . . only to discover them alive; maybe they've enjoyed a taste of Jacob's joy when he found out Joseph was not dead!

Alive, all by itself would offer overwheming joy.

But ruling Egypt, too? AND, in that wise ruling, able to save his family's lives in a severe famine, plus un-numbered others.

Only God could orchestrate that. The same God that orchestrates our lives and prepares provision and surprises for us.

To God Be The Glory!


Saturday, March 17, 2018


"When someone is sick, we pray. When God heals, we give credit to the medical care our friend has received, or to the natural healing processes. Both have played a significant part, but if they are all that's needed, why did we pray?

. . . or we pray for a job. When God gives it, we credit our good fortune, our resume', or our connections.

"Perhaps we've noticed how obnoxious our society perceives people who 
constantly speak of God. We've let our culture intimidate us into never mentioning His name. In many of our circumstances, He remains unglorified." 
(emphasis mine)

Chris Tiegreen
One Year Walk With God  p. 21
Tyndale  2004

As For Me

I've often caught myself hesitating to even say the word "prayer," let alone mention the name of Jesus. I imagine the rolling eyes, sighs, or even being accused of pushing my beliefs--translated as not respecting theirs.

I remind myself of Jesus' Words. Sometimes it helps. Sometimes not.

Forgive me, Jesus.
Give me courage in future opportunities. Help me leave the results to You, whether that becomes rejection or worse; because just maybe the result will be someone getting a glimpse of the Savior who loves them and died for them.


"For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when He comes in His glory. . . (Luke 9:26 NASB)."

Wednesday, March 14, 2018


"With such nagging she prodded him day after day until he was tired to death."

Judges 16:16  NIV

Does that make anyone smile, but me? Did you expect that to be in the Bible?

This whole story makes me shake my head! 

Head Shake: Delilah is obviously trying to do Samson harm, but he stays with her. 

Delilah gets irritated when Samson doesn't cooperate with her tricks. "How can you say, 'I love you,' when you won't confide in me?"

Head Shake: How can you say you love him?!

But she must have added just the right measure of tears, because Samson told her the source of his phenomenol strength. And then . . .

"He awoke from his sleep and thought, 'I'll go out as before and shake myself free.' But he did not know that the Lord had left him."  Judges 16:20b

Head Shake:  Did he think there would be no consequence to breaking a vow? To disobeying God? 

Awoke, indeed! Physically and Spiritually.

I'm a bit amazed at the power of a woman. It certainly needs harnessed by the Holy Spirit.

Giving Him Permission,

Monday, March 12, 2018


"Their story (children of Israel), told in the book of Exodus, is a litany of 




idol worship,



 and debauchery. 

It is also a history of the relentless love of God and his patience with his people."

Sheila Walsh
All That Really Matters  p.50
Waterbrook   2003

NOTHING can separate us from the love of God!!

More Than Grateful . . . 'Cause I'm pretty sure you could drop me in the middle of that desert congregation, and . . . I'd fit right in!



"A belief in the sovereignty of God means that 

whether we understand what is happening or not, 

whether God seems silent or not,

 whether evil seems to be winning over good or not,

 we gather up our faith and say to God, 'I love you. I trust you. This hurts me, but I know that you know the end from the beginning and have my good at heart, so I say Yes! to you and No! to trying to grab control and fix everything myself.'"

Sheila Walsh
All That Really Matters   p.49
Waterbrook   2003

I think "sovereignty" is one of those giant religious words that's hard to understand. But Sheila does a great job.

God is in control and I am not.

AND . . . He is a good God.

Trusting Your Love, God


Tuesday, March 6, 2018


" 'Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven' became a popular bumper sticker. (While correct in the letter, this declaration nullifies serious effort toward spiritual growth.) The absolute requirement for being a Christian was that one believe the proper things about Jesus . . . drained of religious significance--had transformed saving faith into mere assent to correct doctrine."

Dallas Willard
The Spirit Of Disciplines   p. 22-23
HarperOne  1988

I remember the bumper sticker! And I sort of remember using it as a defense when critisized. "I'm not perfect . . ."

I also remember a time Mom pulled me aside. I'd, apparently too many times, told a neighbor girl, "I can't help it. That's the way God made me!"

I don't remember what that less than perfect character quality was, but Mom was not about to let me blame God.

I wonder . . . if we lived out our faith at least as much as we declare our beliefs, would their be a little less arguing and a little more watching to see what makes us different?

With Your Help God,

" . . . Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do."   James 2:18b   NIV

Monday, March 5, 2018


"God assisted the weary Jewish soldiers by killing the enemy army with large hailstones. The timely occurrence of the storm was itself a miracle, but an even greater miracle was the fact thst the stones hit only the enemy soldiers."

Warren W. Wiersbe
The Wiersbe Bible Commentary  p. 410
David C. Cook   2007


" . . . the LORD threw stones from heaven on them as far as Azekah, and they died; there were more who died from the hailstones than those whom the the sons of Israel killed with the sword."   
Joshua 10:11

As For Me

In awe!

 Have you ever read this Bible story to your children or grandchildren? It's only 15 verses long and includes even more miracles.

Or maybe your own faith needs a booster-shot----to remind you of the amazing,
 "for-you" God that upholds not only His people, but the whole Universe! Read Joshua 10:1-15.

Be Encouraged Along With Me,