Sunday, February 25, 2018


"One problem with landmines is that long after a war ends and the combatants go home, the explosives remain hidden--armed and dangerous for years, maybe even decades. Worse yet, they are equal opportunity exploders--unable to distinguish friend from foe, enemies from innocents."

Nil Ripken
Insanity Of God   p.18

My husband, Ray, asked me if I really wanted a second doughnut. Dumb question, right? But, I was pregnant and was supposed to watch my weight.

Unbeknownst to Ray, my heart heard, "You're okay now, but . . ." 

Decades before, I had asked for a second helping of potatoes. Dad's warning finished with "but . . . if you eat too many potatoes . . ."

Well, I'd passed Dad's okay mark, by 10 or more pounds, long before I was pregnant.

When Ray asked if I really wanted a doughnut, he stepped on a landmine. I exploded into tears!

My memory, like a landmine, was buried but NOT inactive. It took very little to jostle it and set it off.

God, help us to bring these memories to You, as they surface--SO THAT we can deactivate them with truth.


And God, 
When someone explodes all over us, help us to not react. Help us to silently pray for healing of wounds that we may know nothing about.


Wednesday, February 21, 2018


Jackie Gleason went from poverty to the Hall of Fame. He went from having nothing to having everything, but . . .

"Before Gleason died, Mort Sahl of WRC radio asked him, 'Jackie, as a man who has seen and done it all, is there anything left that you still want to do?'

" 'I want to see the face of God . . . But I don't know how to get to heaven.' "

Robert Petterson
The Book Of Amazing Stories  p. 83-84
Tyndale Momentum    2017

In my heart of hearts, I believe God saw Jackie's longings and questionings; and gave him an opportunity to give his life to Jesus--to see the face of God.

I'd say it's never too late. After all the thief on the cross, beside Jesus, went to heaven. That's because he responded to the longing of his heart: "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom." (Luke 23:42)

 Yet, if we have similar longings, and do nothing about them--thinking we'll do it later, later may take us by surprise.

"Jesus answered him, 'Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise." 
Luke 23:43


I try to be good. I always hope my good will outweigh my bad, so that I can go to Heaven when I die. But, I can't be good enough. I need a Savior, one who has NEVER sinned, one who loved me so much that He died in my place. Jesus, I need You. 

Will you please forgive my sins, come into my heart and life, and help me to live a life that is full and pleasing to You.

Thank You.

Thursday, February 15, 2018


I don't march for animals, but I do enjoy them and certainly believe in humane treatment. SO . . . know that while I'd never do this, it causes me to ponder the consequence of revenge or unforgiveness.

It was during World War II. Within a matter of weeks, 4 million Russians died at the hands of the Nazis.

 Russia was desperate.

One man devised a plan to strap bombs onto hundreds of dogs and send them under the advancing German tanks. Sick, I know.

"The Germans looked on in astonishment as packs of dogs came running at them. Suddenly, the dogs stopped and looked both ways in confusion. Then, they turned tail and ran back toward the Soviet battle group and under their tanks."

Big oops! They trained their dogs using their own tanks!

Robert Petterson
The Book Of Amazing Stories   p. 58-60
Tyndale Momentum  2017

Makes me think of boomerangs. If you throw one, you best keep your head up and your eyes watching, 'cause if you don't catch the boomerang, it's gonna catch you.

Unforgiveness is not effective. It may feel right. It does not feel good. It will hurt us far more than the person it's intended for. God knows the best way to deal with the wrong. Let Him.



"If you sometimes fall asleep in prayer . . . don't worry or feel as if you've disappointed God. If your Father needs you, He will wake you. Your quiet heart is a joy to Him. Prayer is meant to involve the same delight a child feels on a grandfather's lap--and so much security that you might drift off to sleep."

John Devries
Why Pray?   
Mission India   2005

Decades ago, now, Pastor Lois told me she often prayed in bed. Really? I can do that?

That was liberating!

Now, I fall asleep praying and sometimes I wake up, praying. I love Devries picture of this. And so . . . I'm about to answer my pillow's call.


Wednesday, February 14, 2018


"And others say they would like to get rid of weapons of warfare, but at the same time they maintain the attitudes and values toward people and nations that make war inevitable. We prefer no social unrest or revolution--so long as our style of life is preserved."

Dallas Willard
The Spirit Of Disciplines  p. 6
HarperOne  1943/1971

Anyone else feel an elbow in their ribs?


Monday, February 12, 2018


You might think fame and money would insulate you from hardship. Think again.

Annette Funicello was a dark-haired beauty who stole the hearts of children as a Mouseketeer and, later, the hearts of young men that watched her beach movies.

Within a year of her wedding to Glen Holt, she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.  As Robert Petterson writes it, "for 9000 straight days," Glen bathed her, lifted her on and off the toliet, and changed her diapers.

"When asked if it was a burden, he replied, 'How can it be when you love somebody?'"

Writes Pettersen,

"Anyone can carry a burden to nightfall. Heroes get up and do it again tomorrow."

Robert Pettersen
The Book Of Amazing Stories  p. 18
Tyndale  2017

Friday, February 9, 2018


"We can accept others as friends or family without approving of their life choices.

"I know for a fact that every Sunday I shake hands with men who have secretly been on websites they shouldn't be on, and yet I still accept them. I know there are women who greet me on Sunday morning just after gossiping about someone else.  (anger issues . . . drugs) You can have a relationship and still not approve of the choices this person makes. I have lots of friends who struggle with pride, and yet I haven't given up on them."

Caleb Kaltenbach
Messy Grace   p. 106
Waterbrook  2015

As For Me

"When he (the Holy Spirit) comes, he will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment . . ."  John 16:8  NIV

His Job--Not Mine.

Thank you!!

To be honest, I don't know what my part looks like. Not participating, for sure. But, do I never say anything about poor lifestyles or choices? Well, not without praying before (and after) doing so. And if God leads me to speak, it will certainly be from a place of love; and with an awareness of my own struggle with sins. For I'm more likely, then, to speak from a heart of compassion.


Wednesday, February 7, 2018


I enjoy reading fiction, but I seldom afford myself time to do so. This week, I treated myself to a "thriller" by Terri Blackstock--a favorite author. Thriller, indeed! She had 3 crises going on at once. 

I plowed through those pages! Morning, break-time, bedtime. I couldn't wait to see Casey vindicated and the dirty cops caught. But . . . that didn't happen. "Hints" of resolution, yes. To be continued . . . Besides, Blackstock added a "possible"  romantic relationship at the end. THE END?! Can't be! What are the rest of these pages? Thoughts from the author . . .

On occasion, I catch a TV program I haven't seen for a long time. I "get into it," anxious to see how they tie those loose ends together. They don't. To be continued . . .

God, with His sense of humor, is showing me how consistent I am. Those crises? Those conflicts and awkward relationships? This hurt in my heart and the sin I can't conquer? They need resolved . . . Now.

Know what God says? "He who has begun a good work WILL complete it."

(Philippians 1:6)

Okay God. I WILL trust,

Sunday, February 4, 2018

IF I WERE . . .

" ' . . . For if I were (that certain kind of) weiner. Everyone would be in love with me.'

"Think of what it would mean to be a weenie, or for someone to love you as they "love" a hot dog.

"If you are willing to be a weenie to be loved, what else would you be willing to do?"

Dallas Willard
The Divine Conspiracy  p. 9
HarperSanFrancisco   1997

I wade through Willard's writings; other friends won't even try (notice I'm only on page 9). He's deeply philisophical, so, this little ditty caught me off guard -- and found me smiling. I lived in the era of this commercial. I sang along.

Willard has definitely taken this to the extreme, but his discussion is valid. Within this dialogue he addresses a complaint my dad had: "Why do people pay money to wear advertisements? The company ought to pay them."

Willard believes we wear commercial trademarks on our shirts and hats to let others know who we are.

Don't think so?

When our children were junior high age, a neighbor removed a popular label from worn out jeans, and sewed them on new jeans, for her son. Unfortunately, his classmates took no time to figure that out and the humiliation was worse than not having the money/label in the first place.

I've run across a couple TV programs highlighting "knock-offs"-- clothes that look like brand names . . . but aren't. Clothes for those who want to look rich . . . but aren't.

Judging others by brand names is so wrong and so shallow. But, what's really sad is that we often judge our worth by that same standard.

IF I WERE . . . 



Friday, February 2, 2018


God promised Abraham many decendents--but Sarah was barren.

Having grown old, and still childless, Sarah decided to help God. "Go into my maid; perhaps I will obtain children through her (Genesis 16:2)."

When Rebekah was pregnant with twins, the Lord told her that the older would serve the younger. (Genesis 25:23)

Rebekah, too, thought God needed help, especially since Isaac was intent on giving the promised blessing to Esau, the older. So Rebekah schemed and lied, pulling Jacob right into the middle of her plan.

As I pondered how we, also, try to help God, I heard a whisper in my heart:

"They weren't trying to HELP me.

"They were trying to HURRY me."

Colour Me Convicted,