Wednesday, May 30, 2018


"I used to be afraid of failing at something that really mattered to me,

                                                 But now 

I'm more afraid of succeeding at things that don't matter."

Bob Goff
Love Does   p. 25
Thomas Nelson   2012

What could I possibly add to that?


"Neither of us was a very good shot and we rarely hit what we aimed for, so we just called whatever we hit the target."

Bob Goff
Love Does  p.16
Thomas Nelson 2012

LOVE IT! It's the only way I'll win.

If a skill or sport requires aiming, count me out. I offer no serious competition--but, more likely, poor sportsmanship.

A young great-nephew was being taught not to cry when he lost a game. Family game done--neither of us won. 

"And I didn't even cry," I said.

"No. But you did whine a little."

Never too old to learn.
Never too young to teach.


Tuesday, May 29, 2018


" . . . but if you don't have love, you're obnoxious. This is the noisy gong, the clanging symbol of 1 Corinthians 13. If you hold correct doctrinal positions but are irritating to be around, you have missed the point."

John Eldredge
The Utter Relief Of Holiness  p. 21
Faith Words  2013

As For Me

Crinkling a candy wrapper while you eat it . . .
               Spoon clanking bowl while someone tries to get every last drop . . .
                           10+ keys jangling while you walk through a store or library . . .
                                           Snapping gum . . .
                                                       "Do you know how wonderful I am?" conversations.

Yep. I've got a problem. Those everyday noises, barely noticeable to anyone else, drive me to Crabby Corner.

The point is, though, how they irritate me Is Not How I Want My Faith To Irritate Others.

Pandora and Earplugs Are Sanity Savers,


What noises "send you?" Can you use them as a reminder to love?

Monday, May 28, 2018


"Compassion does not mean approval. But neither does compassion mean silence. 

Compassion says, 




" . . . YOU ARE LOVED."
(emphasis mine)

Andrew Walker
God and the Transgender Debate  p. 101
The Goodbook Company  2017

As For Me

You might think that I began reading LGBTQ books after our grand-daughter came out as transgender. Not so.

Probably a decade ago, Sue attended our church in her "butch" haircut and overalls. A woman so willing to serve. Our church and pastor modeled love for her so well that I realized that the Church (and I) had not handled homosexuality well. I determined to change the world! 

I have, by no means, changed the world. But God has changed me.

Through Sue, family, and co-workers, I continue to discover that there is so much more to a person than their sexual preference: talents, humor, compassion, and faithful friendship. I could easily follow each of those with exclamation points; but writers are told to use them sparingly.

It would seem that my next piece of this journey is to listen.

It will be difficult to initiate that conversation. Will they trust me when I do?

In Your Hands, God,

Friday, May 25, 2018


"You can teach an old dog new tricks


The right kind of treats."

Cynthia L. Copeland

really important stuff my kids have taught me
Workman Publishing 2015

Needing comic-relief today. I like this . . . and wonder what kind of treat I need. The last two weeks have been off the chart for this old dog. Red Licorice wouldn't touch it. Coffee, my drug of choice, made me crabby. I found myself dipping into my boss's nun cookie jar for Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. I don't like peanut butter cups!

Was that the trick I was supposed to learn?

Hmmm. Know what I AM learning? 

A new trick isn't mastered in a day.

Keeping my mouth shut, my schedule and expectations reasonable, and my fears down may take more than a few tries. But, God's Word assures me that . . .

       1. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me  (Philippians)
                               And yet . . .

       2. APART FROM HIM I can do nothing. (John 15)

I have found myself saying over and over, "Jesus I need you. Jesus I need you."

                                                          (I know. I'm here.)

Feeling Loved,

Tuesday, May 15, 2018


"God values the process as much as the outcome.

" . . . In our bottom-lined oriented society, it's vitally important to remember: How we get to the end is every bit as important as that we get there, because how we get there--the choices we make and the way we live between now and then--will determine who we are when we arrive."

Kenneth Boa & John Alan Turner
The 52 Greatest Stories of the Bible  p. 42
Baker Books 2008

As For Me

I don't know how I can be both goal oriented and a procrastinator; but I suppose there are odder ducks in the pond. At any rate, the end/completion is my focus--and via the shortest route, thank you.

But who I become . . . do I become irritable, proud, more patient, a pursuer of excellence, more compassionate? Do I become self-determined or God-reliant?

Rambling and Pondering,
(Join me--Does "the way" change when you consider who you are becoming?)


Saturday, May 12, 2018


"Listen, my brothers and sisters; has God not chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith . . ."
                  James 2:5a  New International Version

As For Me

I've asked myself, at times, if I had to choose between wealth or poverty with/or requiring faith, what would I choose?

If you had to choose . . . ?

Wealth and poverty (and that wide space inbetween) inherit challenges. 

Another question, in a similar vein, is "Would I rather have time or money?" Because it doesn't seem that you can have both. I suppose if you retire well, that's a possibility. But then, there's the health question.

One man I know, residing in assisted living and bound to a wheel chair and an oxygen tank, won a settlement because his work environment caused his lung disease. "Now I have money, but no way to spend it."

What I've seen in our life, is that God provides in different ways. He has given Ray and I simple tastes. Gourmet meals don't tempt us. Cruises? Not really. Being served? Not! Dad said, of his cruise, that they did everything for him but chew his food. No thanks.

Nature, beauty, a reliable car without rust, coffee shop brew, family, friends, conversation with fellow believers, good books, music, highschool plays, McD's breakfast . . . We are fairly easy to bless. There are dreams that we ache for -- beauty a little further from home, gospel concerts, and treating our children and grandchildren to a vacation of beauty and togetherness. 

God gives us tastes even of those. Memories have a life of their own that still bring smiles and feelings of love.

If I had to choose--riches or faith?--I'd choose both. 

Because . . . I've been given both.

In Him Is Fullness Of Joy,

Thursday, May 10, 2018


"Kevin (an athiest) wrote, 'While sitting in a coffee shop reading C.S. Lewis's Mere Christianity, I put down the book and wrote in my notebook 'the evidence surrounding the claims of Christianity is simply overwhelming.'"

Timothy Keller
The Reason For God  p. xxiii
Riverhead Books  2008

Sometimes you gotta just shout


I haven't read Timothy Keller before, but I think I'm going to like him--perhaps the reason for 2 posts in one day.

If I'm understanding him, he thinks doubts are good. And who doesn't have those?


"Wolves run in packs; sheep huddle in flocks; we speak of herds of elephants and gaggles of geese and even a murder of crows. But there is no special name for a group of porcupines. They travel alone."

John Ortberg
Everybody's Normal Till You Get To Know Them   p.22
Zondervan 2003

No duh! Who even wants to capture a picture of a porcupine--unless they have a powerful you-can-keep-your-distance lens? With barbs aimed and ready, what if the Quill-Master feels threatened? What if he fears being hurt?

What if my neighbors fear being hurt . . .  by me? Or family members, co-workers, church folk? What if I look like I'm having a really bad hair day--spikes pointing in every direction? They'll likely stay away--and I'll likely stay alone, just when I'm needing someone close.

One of His sheep, but some days disguised in porcupine quills. Sorry . . .

"There really is an answer to the ancient question, how do porcupines make love? They pull in their quills and learn to dance.  p. 25

Love it!

Monday, May 7, 2018


Humblebrag . . .   who knew there was a name for false modesty? (Dare I say attempted false modesty? Most of us catch the point and suddenly remember we have ice cream melting in the trunk.")

"I'm so tired of shining my son's track trophies . . . "

"My new diamond keeps catching on my cashmere sweater . . ."

"Of all places for the heel to break off my shoe, why in front of the Eiffel Tower?"

Mom had a different response to sideways bragging. 

When a fellow weight-watcher said, "My slacks are so baggy," Mom responded,

"Bragging or Complaining?"

 I recently read that crying might get you some attention, but not many friends.

I'm inclined to think the same of inflated ego. The attention is short-lived.

And . . . if "I"ever say my slacks are baggy, I AM bragging. Please indulge me.


Saturday, May 5, 2018


"Don't worry about crossing the street until you get to the curb."

Cynthia L. Copeland
really important stuff my kids have taught me   p. 9
Workman Publishing  2015

As For Me

I love this! Because "this" is me. Now I have a reminder to replay in my head and heart when I start to fear and worry.

I love it when wisdom comes with a smile,

Friday, May 4, 2018


"The great paradox (of my life) is that every time I walk into a prison and see the faces of men or women who have been transformed by the power of the living God, I realize that the thing God has chosen to use in my life . . . is none of my successes . . ."

Chuck Colson illustrations/2012/may
As quoted in the end of me  p.169

As For Me

 God didn't use Colson's success and power in government. He used his stint in prison!  Think about it . . . think a little longer. God can use YOU.

I am 3/4 through the end of me by Kyle Idelman and I'm finally getting it! Idleman's quote from Chuck Colson prompted me to put the book down and pick up my pen. I wrote about those things I consider a curse, a failure, or a shortcoming. How has God used them? What might He use still?

Here's my list without details. Maybe some are on your list. What you think DISqualifies you for being of worth to the world, or to God, might just make you the more valuable.

Finances (lack there-of)
Feeling Invisible/Unworthy
Ray's Injury
Wanting So Much More for children and grandchildren without the wisdom or 
             finances to help.
Loved ones away from the Lord
Hurts that sent me to counseling
Bitterness about not being able to retire. (My perception)
to be continued . . .

This is so much more transparent than I like to be. BUT . . . I see how God has used (or is using) every single one of these situations and shortcomings--and how, through them, He has given me joy, contentment, fuller and more genuine love, and hope.  These days, God is teaching me to risk in most of those areas--and in this blog post.(eeeeeeoooooh!)

Wide Open! For His glory and hopefully for your encouragement,

I strongly recommend the end of me by Kyle Idleman. He consistently reminds us, via famous Bible personalities, how God uses the unlikely, the unqualified, and the big sinners.

Thursday, May 3, 2018


"Perhaps He created us last as a testament to our inherent dignity--saving the best for last, so to speak. Or perhaps it was so we wouldn't try to tell Him where to put things."

Kenneth Boa and John Alan Turner
The 52 Greatest Stories of the Bible  p. 18
Baker Books   2008

True or False?

Or maybe I should ask, "Guilty or innocent--how do you plea?"

When we told our toddler-aged daughter to put something back, she absolutely did; but not where it came from. She put it "back" where she thought it should come from.

Where do uou suppose she learned that?

SO . . . As For Me . . .True AND Guilty,

Tuesday, May 1, 2018


""Sometime ago the title of a magazine article caught my eye: "Totally Normal Women Who Stalk Their Ex-Boyfriends,"

. . . And if obsessive stalking of a past lover is not just normal but totally normal, how far would you have to go to be a little strange?" 

John Ortberg
Everybody's Normal Till You Get To Know Them  p.15
Zondervan  2003

As For Me

Can't help but smile . . .

Yet, I'm struck by 2 Things:

     1. Humor helps us remember important principles.

     2. What do we call normal, simply because we don't know anything else? People who live in abusive households/relationships think everyone else's experiences mirror their own.

Not Sure I Want To Be Normal Anyway . . .
Normal keeps changing and not always for the better,
