Friday, August 31, 2018


After a nasty fall in our parking lot, I took Ray to emergency. Five hours later he was released, bruised but not broken.  We were so grateful.

But those 5 hours!

A man, down the hall, screamed obscenities, at the top of his lungs for a solid hour. I prayed--mostly for staff.

Then, with only a curtain between us, I listened to a woman crying from pain. 

I prayed again.

 Little attention was given her (It "was" a busy night.), and the crying/pain continued. 

God, why am I always praying for pain that's not relieved?

God can handle my honesty.

BUT. . . I love buts . . . I had an aha! moment.

I'd wanted, so badly, to be in a medical profession after graduation (xray or lab tech). My parents, in short, didn't think I was academically suited--a C student.
I've resented that, but I'm finally okay with it. It was not for me. I could not have stood the pain!

God knew when I didn't.

Thank You God,

Your Daughter

"For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them."
Ephesians 2: 10 NAS

Wednesday, August 29, 2018


When offended, the author of Psalm 119 meditated on the Word of God-----not the offense.

How many, besides me, mull over and over (a.k.a. meditate on) every detail of an insult or thoughtless comment?

And considering that one of the definitions of meditate is 'to mutter,' how many of us mutter to anyone who will listen?

Beings my way hasn't worked so well in healing the hurt or making me feel better, I think (with God reminding me) I'll try the psalmist's way.

After all, whatever anyone else says, God says I am precious, gifted, loved, and that I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

Wouldn't it be better to mutter about that?

Time to Store a few verses for coming occasions,


Monday, August 27, 2018


"If you don't know how to forgive, don't get married."

Jim Logan
Reclaiming Surrendered Ground  p. 72  Nook
Moody Publishers  1995

I know I am not the only one smiling, and nodding.

I think I can even hear an echo to my, "Got that right!"

We must remember, however, that the same advice would be given to our spouse.

Hmmmmm . . .


Sunday, August 26, 2018


"The idea of 'what if' looms larger than life for many . . . there are two sides to the 'what if' coin . . .

"The first is the idea that something might happen in the future, and the second that we made a poor decision in the past and life could have resulted differently.

"It is so easy to fear we have ruined something beautiful.

"So easy for us to believe that we held the keys to what was supposed to be and now are destined to live among the ashes."

Angie Smith
What Women Fear   p. 22-24
Broadman & Holman  2011

As For Me

A book worth paying full price for (though I found a 30% coupon at the last minute); a book worth a sharp number 2 pencil or a full package of post-it tabs.

And . . . as I have "borrowed" more words than I should, I have to leave the answer in you reading the book yourself.

BUT . . . 
If you are anything like me, I find comfort in knowing that I'm not the only one on the planet that feels this way.

My biggest 'what ifs' center around my kids: Life could be so much better for them if I'd done this, said that or if I hadn't said this or done that. And then there's retirement . . . or is there? 

There is  also what many thought I should do when I (and my husband) were confident in a decision we'd made. Or . . . at least, I thought they thought I should do this or that. 

Confused yet? Fear does that.

One thing I know. God has always proved Himself faithful! As long as I remain teachable, He can use every decision and indecision for His glory. 

They used to give awards, in sports, for Most Improved Player.

That's the award I want when I get to Heaven,


Wednesday, August 22, 2018

R-RATED (Republican)

"Within 90 days from the time Lincoln is inaugurated, the Republican Party will be utterly ruined and destroyed. His path is environed with so many difficulties, that if he had the ability of Jefferson and the energy of Jackson, he would fail, but he is a weak and inexperienced man and his administration will be doomed from the commencement . . ."

Memphis Daily Appeal   
November 13, 1860

"There is intense excitement here. Large crowds are gathered in the streets. The pervading spirit among the masses is resistance to Lincoln's administration, and everywhere the determination is manifest."

Lancaster Ledger   
November 1860

Newt Gingrich
Understanding Trump   p.. 150 (nook)
Center Street 2017

As For Me

Lincoln is, forever, one of my heroes.

President Donald Trump is not. But these similarities are, at least, interesting.

I don't agree with everything Trump does. And I detest much of his past, especially his immorality, as much as everyone else. But I do agree with some of what he's done and many of his goals--as much as I can, without political savvy, understand.

I continue to believe that God places men/women in authority--some to bless us and some to discipline us. I suspect we are getting some of both. I, for one, appreciate the religious freedom that the Trump administrstion is fighting for, for however long it lasts. It won't last forever.

Praying More Than Ever Before,


PS: Lincoln fired 1,400 of 1,500 appointees when he took office.
p. 145 nook


An investment, along with the security it would have provided, fell through.

For Sarah, that meant taking a job that provided a good income, but that also came with challenges and pressures.

Sarah, like most of us, asked God why. "Why didn't the investment work out?"

She heard words in her heart that I want to tattoo on mine:

"Your greatest asset is building a record of my faithfulness and goodness toward you."

Sarah Eom
The Upper Room  8-21-2018

As For Me

My "record" is growing.

Here's my challenge for you. Have you been in situations that you thought you'd never make it through-----but did!?

God's faithfulness. 

Toward you then.

Toward you now.

Toward you always. 


Monday, August 20, 2018


" . . . my life on earth is brief, teach me to count each day and make each day count.

" . . . May I number my days like a miser counting his coins."

Robert J. Morgan
Mastering Life Before It's Too Late   p. 55
Howard Books 2015

The premise of this book is that it's never too late to make our life count . . . in one-day-increments.

Put another way, I'm NOT too old.

Add my take-away prayer from our Love Does study yesterday: God, today, blow my mind!

Willingness (with a touch of fear) plus the power of God? Wow! 

Who will God place in my path (or your's) today? And . . . will I/you be the giver, or the recipient, of blessing?

Let The Love Of My God Shine Through Me,

Ever Lonnie

Friday, August 17, 2018


"Success is doing the will of God and doing it with the right attitudes and in one day increments as He assigns the work . . ."

Robert J. Morgan
Mastering Life The Master's Way  p. 4
Howard Books  2015

Morgan writes about being pleasantly productive.

Yes. Yes. Help me do that.


Thursday, August 16, 2018


"But many who are first will be last; and the last first."
Matthew 19:30  NAS

"They said it was a good thing to be last and that big awards came to those who waited. 

Maybe so, but, 

the problem was that it was usually the people at the front of the line who seemed to be doing the talking."

" . . . I suppose what Jesus was actually telling His disciples is that it would be costly to follow Him. He knew the world wouldn't play fair with us and He didn't want us to despair when it didn't."

Maria Goff
Love Lives Here   p. 41
Broadman & Holman  2017

As For Me

I get it! Tell me God will provide while you eat your steak and take your fancy vacations. Wow! Self-pity and covetousness had a hold on me. 

They, however, are losing their grip (though I'm sure to have a bout with them, having said that). 

I hope I'm getting closer to not worrying whether I'm first or last; but more celebrating that when I'm in Jesus' presence I'm priveleged to be there at all. Whatever the cost shall surely be worth it.

See You There,

Tuesday, August 14, 2018


"Our pastor is retiring; so the congregation is encouraged to pray for the right person to replace him.

I began praying---but quit. I caught myself thinking whatever! We'll see who comes and deal with it then.

Yet, there are pastoral attributes critical to me, such as, handling the Word of God accurately. I'd also like a Psalm 119 pastor, who craves God's Word and is utterly dependent on it; someone who would raise such curiosity and anticipation for God's promises, commands, and miracles that others would read the Bible for themselves.

And oh, I long for a pastor concerned for lost souls and one who understands spiritual warfare.

So important to me, but I don't pray?

This week, I studied the character and platforms of candidates to prepare for voting responsibly.

I hold strong feelings about the type of men and women who lead our county and country. But I caught myself, again. Whatever! I'm only one vote. BUT, one that should be dressed in prayer, yes? What difference might that make?

Why don't I pray?

Do I think I am only one pray-er too? That my prayer gets lost in the multitudes? Do I think God and I are on different sides? ( I suppose that could be a problem.)

I'm afraid the problem is simpler than that.

I'm lazy.

Let someone else do it; someone who understands the ins and outs of government--things I just don't grasp.

And yet, I can pray for what I do understand. That's my assignment.

Lord, forgive my apathy; please hear (read) my prayer and help me grow in faith and faithfulness.


" . . . the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective."

James 5:15  NIV

"I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercessions and thanksgiving be made for all people--for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceable and quiet lives in godliness and holiness.  
(emphasis mine)
1 Timothy 2:1-2 NIV

Thursday, August 9, 2018


"It is so hard to love people in full expectation of them loving you back. You put it out there, knowing that the other person always has the decision of what to do with your affection."

Angie Smith
What Women Fear  p. 37
Broadman&Holman  2011

Scary isn't it?
Rejection hurts.

I've talked with a few older women who say that the advantage of aging is that they no longer care about what people think.

I must not be old enough.

Is that good news? Or . . . not?

How about you? Are you old enough? Guess the choice is ours.


"I will offer You my grateful heart,
for I am Your unique creation,
filled with wonder and awe."
Psalm 139:14  (The Voice Translation)

Thursday, August 2, 2018


"I've often wondered how anyone survives who doesn't have a settled conviction that this earth is not their home."

Priscilla Shirer
The Armor of God  p. 108
Lifeway Press  2015/2017

As For Me


Somedays, though, I am able to move beyond survival mode to actual anticipation.

 I hope you will experience days of anticipation this month, because . . .

 He has prepared a place for us.



For The Love Of Words

"It was an exhilarating taste--for just a few minutes--of being immersed in something so powerful we couldn't quite tell whether we were having fun or terrified."

Monica Brands
Our Daily Bread   August 2, 2018

Thunder booming! Rain pouring! The ground so slippery you could end up bathed in mud. But oh the fun . . . the fun of doing it afraid. Man, I need to recapture that adventuresome spirit.

How About You?
