Saturday, June 30, 2018


"When the church becomes allied with a political party, it almost always hurts far more than helps.

"The fact is, to govern, politicians must compromise. It's the nature of a process and a good thing.

"But when our faith gets aligned with a political party, those compromises end up making us look like the worst of hypocrites."

Phil Cooke and Jonathan Bock
The Way Out   p. 157 Nook
Worthy Publishing  2018

As For Me

When I was growing up, politics and religion were not discussed in polite conversation. Maybe, it's because they were often mixed together--and they didn't mix well.

Can we leave our party buttons in our pockets and discuss issues and/or beliefs?  You know, don't you, that even all the folks in your church pew don't agree with you? How, then, can you expect everyone else to?

We complain because congress can't accomplish anything; but how can they without compromise?

I get it, the issues are critical-------life-changing, even life-threatening. It's harder than hard! But if we tie the hands of our policy makers with our unyielding demands . . . what can we expect but conflict without progress?

We can let our voice be heard; and we can pray.

Then . . .

We must vote, and . . .

We must trust------------God, not politicians.

Did your mom, like mine, tell you, "You can't always have your way"?

Did she also tell you to be a good sport----not to cry, whine, and stomp off?

Wise mom you had then,



"Trust Me And Don't Be Afraid. Do not be frightened by world events or news reports. These reports are biased----presented as if I do not exist."

Sarah Young
Jesus Always  p. 189
Thomas Nelson   2016

But God . . .

A couple of my favorite words.

"This is ridiculous. This is hopeless! This will never get better."

That would all be true, but God . . .

He's Got This!


Thursday, June 28, 2018


"And when each of us looks back at the turns and folds God has allowed in our lives, I don't think it looks like a series of folded-over mistakes . . . I think we'll conclude in the end that maybe we're all a little like human origami and the more creases we have, the better."

Bob Goff
Love Does  p. 37
Thomas Nelson  2012


(well . . . until I think of those "creases" as wrinkles)

And yet, even behind those wrinkles is character, or . . . "A" character.

God, mold me and make me after Thy Will,


Tuesday, June 26, 2018


"Don't get me wrong. Playing it safe and waiting for assurance in our lives isn't necessarily bad; it just isn't faith."

Bob Goff
Everybody Always  p. 87
Thomas Nelson  2018

As For Me

I CRAVE safety. But, I also CRAVE JESUS. I desire an intimate relationship--conversation back and forth, a feeling of closeness, a sense of Him knowing my heart-- and me, His. That is only possible with faith.

Grateful For His Patience and His Smile,


Monday, June 25, 2018


"We'll see what we spend the most time looking for."

Bob Goff
Everybody Always  p. 97

As For Me

We have to choose!

Walking a nature path where I'd spotted deer before, I complained to God that I hadn't seen even one.

Aaa . . . They don't climb trees.

And you thought God didn't have a sense of humor.

I was bird watching and hoping to see deer; but I can't see up and down at the same time. I'd unconsciously made a choice and was disappointed with the outcome.

We consciously, or unconsciously, make choices everyday.  If we find ourselves discouraged and unfulfilled, perhaps we've become intent on seeing the faults and flaws of something--or someone. If we redirect our focus, perhaps we will rediscover pleasure and wonder.

Today, I'm looking for breezes, sunshine, smiles, and grilled hamburgers . . . and getting them all.



"The war had changed me--the bombs and bloodshed had pushed me to the point of surrendering to the truth that I was a control freak hopelessly unable to control anything at all. Perhaps . . . God had needed to radically alter my environment to get my attention."

W. Lee Warren, M.D.
No Place To Hide  p. 274/Nook
Zondervan  2014

As For Me

What makes us control freaks?

For me, fear plays a starring role. Finances usually top the list.

 Welfare will do that.

Having children and grandchildren will do that. We want the best for them.

Likewise, living within a multigenerational blame game creates fear. "We would have plenty if you did this . . . or didn't do that . . . "

I cycle between blaming my husband for buying 2 cans of broth instead of one, my parents for not letting me pursue my own career interests, my job, the government, and circumstances (AKA--God). But mostly I blame myself. Hmmm . . . perhaps I try to control others because I can't control myself.

I think the desire for justice also makes us control freaks. And the absence of control makes us angry.

I appreciate Dr. Warren's reminder of how little we control. Seriously! Very little.

God has asked me to "Be still and know that HE is GOD."

I'm trying.

And, I believe I am learning that there is freedom in giving up control--ha! Control I never really had to begin with.


Thursday, June 21, 2018


"I understand the sensitivities of church and state and all that, I really do. But don't you think that our Founding Fathers' ethics and belief systems have something to do with the fact that 230 years later we are still the kindest and most compassionate nation on earth, even to people who are trying to kill us."

W. Lee Warren, M.D.
No Place to Hide  p. 170
Zondervan  2014

As For Me

Sorry, but I had NO idea that Americans saved the lives of their enemies. Doesn't that seem counterproductive to war? But . . . war isn't about killing people. It's about gaining or maintaining freedom--for ourselves or for others who are oppressed.

We are so clueless to the horrors of war; and to the honor and character of our servicemen and women. Clueless.

No Place to Hide is written by a brain surgeon serving in Iraq.

In one situation, he had TWO patients: one American, one terrorist.

He had ONE set of sterilized instruments left. Either man, if helped immediately, would live. Either, if not helped immediately, would die.

Warren figured out an unauthorized way to make it work. But the terrorist still needed four units of blood. The need was broadcast over the intercom.

A soldier responded . . . the best friend of the American who had been shot by the terrorist.

Unknown to this soldier, the blood he was donating would save the life of the very man he shot to protect his friend.

The surgeon knew this and was torn, but he felt it important to tell the soldier whose life his blood would be saving.

The soldier's internal battle was evident through stiffened posture, clenched jaws and tears.

But finally he said,

"Sir, lots of people have done things for me that I didn't deserve. I shot that man in battle, but letting him bleed to death when I have the power to save him--that wouldn't be right."  p. 177

Could YOU do it?
WOULD you?

I am more likely, now, having read this amazing book, this amazing story, and having an incredible example set for me.

Thank You God,

Tuesday, June 19, 2018


"We all have goals and aspirations, but our primary job isn't to envision great things in the future but to tackle today's work with enthusiasm."

Robert J. Morgan
The Lord Is My Shepherd  p.7
Howard Books  2013

As For Me

I could receive Morgan's words as a rebuke: focus; quit throwing your energies so far out. Pay attention to today--to what's in front of you. Pursue excellence in the now.

I actually receive his words as comfort. I'm in a season where one day at a time is about all I can handle. I have permission to do that -- to give my energies to enthusiasm of what today holds. I can have more enthusiasm today, if I don't let tomorrow steal it.

The Lord IS My Shepherd. I Shall Not Want.


Friday, June 15, 2018


"If we again ask the question: 'Why does God allow evil and suffering to continue?' and we look at the cross of Jesus, we still do not know what the answer is. However, we know what the answer isn't. It can't be that he doesn't love us."

Timothy Keller
The Reason From God  p. 31
Riverhead Books  2008

As For Me

I'm in a tough season.

The nurses tell me I'm healthy. That's really good news!

But the current gliche is getting to me -- and I haven't seen the bills yet.

Years ago, I'd have been like Job's wife who said, "Curse God and die."

But God has proven Himself faithful.

Through incredibly difficult times, I felt like I had no strength or resources. But I made it through. We made it through. (Trials are family affairs.) I always want strength to escape but God, in His love and wisdom, has a better plan. I come out stronger and more grateful.

Time to be still . . .
And to know that He is God.


Thursday, June 14, 2018


"I wonder if you change human beings with arguments alone: either by peppering them with sharp facts or by blowing them up with guns of truth. You scare 'em, but do you change 'em? I wonder if ever you make any real difference in human beings without understanding them and loving them. 

"For when you argue with a man (how much more with a woman), you are somehow trying to pull down and make him less ( and yourself more); but when you try to understand him, when you like him, how eager is he then to know the truth you have; and you add to him in some strange way, you make him more than he was before; and at the same time, and that is the sheer magic of it, you yourself become more."

David Grayson
Adventures in Understanding  p.24-25
Renaissance House  1989 (originally published in 1925)

This is quite a long quote to use without permission. I tried but suspect it is out of print.

As For Me

In attempt to make room on my bookshelf, I determined to get rid of some books less likely to be reread.

What was I thinking?! 

I can't live without David Grayson!  I may not read him often but, when I do, I feel as though I'm in a comfy lawnchair surrounded by whispering trees and birdsong. I enjoy his gentle wisdom and warmth. I feel a smile, though I have no idea what this man looks like.

Aaah, but when I read Grayson (Ray Stannard Baker), this crazy circus of a world gets put on hold.

This blog began in a coffee shop but is being sent from a hospital. Kidney stones!

And to all, a good night.

Nap time.


Sunday, June 3, 2018


"I used to think the words spoken about us describe who we are,
But now I know they shape who we are."

Bob Goff
Love Does
Thomas Nelson  2012

For better, or for worse, we have shaped someone's self-image today.

Do they look prettier, straighter-taller, more confident OR a little ragged around the edges?

Just Thinking,

"Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification (building up) according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear."

Ephesians 4: 29  NASB (NIV)

Saturday, June 2, 2018


"Just because you read the Bible doesn't mean you've chosen it as your standard for living . . . The real test comes when the ideals and philosphies of our culture swing in the opposite direction, and yet we chose to stand strong and firm on the unchanging standard of God."

Priscilla Shirer
The Armor of God  p. 45
LifeWay Press  2015

"Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and does them . . .

"The rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and yet it did not fall, for it had been founded on the rock."

Matthew 7: 24-25  NASB

Standing firm now will help me stand firm later ------- when the storms come.



"You Must Be Present To Win."

Jim Holtz
Idea-ology: Small Talk  2015

Are you present?
