Tuesday, October 30, 2018


"The grace of God means something like: Here is your life.
You might never have been,
but you are because the party 

Frederick Buechner
Listening To Your Life  p.289
HarperSanFrancisco  1992

Man, I hope that makes you feel loved, special, and so NOT invisible.
NOT lost in the crowd.

It certainly makes MY day.
(all emphasis mine)

". . . there is Joy in the presence of the angels of God over 
sinner that repents."
Luke 15:10


Do crumbs have calories?

Just wondering, 

'cause I just ate a Hand-Full.


Sunday, October 28, 2018


"If I am hurt,
I don't turn  for strength and help to
someone who has never been hurt,


to someone who has,
and who can therefore understand 
a little
of what I'm going through."

Madeleine L'Engle with Carol Chase
Glimpses of Grace  p.36
HarperSanFrancisco  1996

As For Me

I am SO blessed to have friends 
Have Been There.  

Thank you to all,


Ahmad asked Rashid,
"Do I have to change my religion to follow Jesus?

I love Ahmad's answer, because it applies to ALL OF US.
And, it makes sharing our faith less about our personal doctrine.

Do I have to give up drinking? 
How about smoking?
Can I still live with my boyfriend?
Do I have to speak in tongues? 
Do I have to go to church every Sunday?
Do I have to tell others about Jesus?

Check it out. 
This is great!

"I can't say exactly what will be required of you, Ahmad.
It's probably best that you just start reading the Bible.
See what you learn, and see if your dreams line up with what the Bible says about Jesus.

The Bible explains the truth, not your dreams.
Many dreams are real, but some people have false ones.

The Bible tells the difference."

Tom Doyle with Greg Webster
Dreams and Visions: Is Jesus Awakening The Muslim World?
Thomas Nelson  2012

Many Muslims are meeting Jesus in dreams and visions but if a dream, or any teaching we might hear, doesn't line up with Scripture, it is not from God.

That being said, one verse, isolated from it's immediate context
or from the whole Bible, does not constitute truth.

Off To Church. 

Tuesday, October 23, 2018


"Nor will God permit you a single tear he does not 
to wipe away.
On the cross, when he says to John,
'Son, behold your mother.
Mother, behold your son,'
he is saying to both of them,
'Mary and John,

Never allow the other to suffer alone."

Calvin Miller
Once Upon A Tree  p. 53
Howard Piblishing  2002

I have never seen this story in that way. It feels powerful to me.

 There must be 100 ways to apply it to our lives; anywhere from a child's scraped knee or of feeling rejected, to a family suffering divorce, long-term illness, or financial hardships.

Or . . . Someone who has, like John and Mary, lost someone. The loss often lasts so much longer than we acknowledge.

Or . . . men, women, and even children suffering just for following Jesus.

God, show us how to not let them
Suffer Alone,


Saturday, October 20, 2018


"Halloween is less about trick-or-treating
 and more about triggering microaggressions 
among overly sensitive 
and easily offended

The University of Florida offered bona fide counseling
for any student 
offended by a 

Todd Starnes
Deplorables Guide To Making America Great Again   p. 92
Frontline  2014

As for me . . . I can hardly stop laughing. 

I love fall. I love pumpkins. I marvel at some of the art displayed in jack-o-lanterns. Everything else about Halloween, I hate!

Okay, maybe not little children in cute little costumes, or old people asking, "Oh my goodness, I wonder who that is," when they know full well it's a grandchild or neighbor.

Okay, I don't hate candy either. I wish I did.

I also wish my mom had pushed harder or held on longer. November 1 would have been a nice birthday.

But as for this, come on!

Look to be offended, and you won't be disappointed.

Just Saying . . .
Enjoy the Season
You KNOW what comes next,


Thursday, October 18, 2018


Dinah, a young Muslim and member of the morality police, called to mock Hormoz on his television program. "I and my mother are going to commit suicide---while on the phone to your program."

Her mother, the only person she had, was dying of cancer.

"I only wish you could watch me."

Hormoz challenged her. As long as she was going to kill herself anyway, why not give Jesus a chance; seven days.

"I didn't want Jesus to be the answer.
All week long, I thought of everything in my life that was negative.
I was trying to feel depressed.

But each time . . . I was flooded with peace.
I would stop by my mirror, amazed at the smile on my face.

As for my mother, she's well . . . 
and so am I!
Jesus is everything you promised."

Tom Doyle w/ Greg Webster
Dreams And Visions
Is Jesus Awakening The Muslim World?  P.75-81
Thomas Nelson  2012

All I can say is, "Jesus is real!"

AND He is "not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance."

2 Peter 3:9  NIV

When John 3:16 says that "He so loved the world," it is absolutely true.
He loves everyone.

But He loves us, as only God can, completely
One at a time.

Aren't you grate-full?

Wednesday, October 17, 2018


"Allow me to be blunt.
Outlawing same-sex marriages,
reducing the number of abortions performed each year,
or displaying the Ten Commandments in every classroom . . .
Will not increase heaven by one solitary person
apart from the proclamation of the gospel."

Robert Jeffress
Twilight's Last Gleaming   p.35
Worthy Publishing   2016

As a new Christian, I was all about doing kindnesses so that people would see Jesus. I wanted everyone to know Jesus and go to heaven, and I thought my good works would accomplish that. After all, Matthew 5:16 tells us that men will see our good works and glorify our Father in heaven.


The Scripture verse says, "LET YOUR LIGHT SO SHINE . . . that they may SEE your good works and . . ."

Well, what's my light?

I believe it's my testimony--the acknowledgment of Jesus as my Savior and life focus.

I honestly can't find that balance and
 it frustrates me! 
When do I STAND UP? When do I SHUT UP?

Do I wait for someone to ask how I stand on those hot buttons and begin with a mention of the Bible or God lest they don't give me a chance to mention the gospel later in conversation?

Do I randomly ask people how they stand on abortion? Or, maybe I could be a little more subtle. 

It IS election season. 
"Hey, this is a tough political season. What issues matter the most to you?
And why?"
 You know what? That might just work. I bet there are some stories behind thoughts of abortion, gender preference, immigration, or sexual abuse. We may not come away in agreement, but we both might come away with compassion and understanding. 

And maybe . . .
one reluctant to believe will get a glimpse of my incredible Jesus.

"In fact, if we are not careful, we could 
decrease the number 
of people in heaven
if we ever compromise our long-range mission
to achieve short-term goals."

Robert Jeffress

Living in the Struggle,

Tuesday, October 16, 2018


"The prophet (Micah) reached a turning point 
when he looked away from
the sins of the people 
and meditated on the faithfulness
of the Lord."

Warren W. Wiersbe
Be Concerned  p. 119 Nook

We are all sinners, so I am not pointing fingers, but this is where I often find myself these days. I pray, usually directed toward my desired outcome. (talking politics, here). I read with a frenzy, I suppose, to assure myself and/or so I intelligently share my position; but then I reach the prophet's turning point. I remind myself of God's faithfulness.

Whichever direction the elections go, God Is in control. He has purposes which could result in immediate and obvious blessings or His purposes could lead to difficult times which are always (always) for our ultimate good.

I'm reminded of how I used to pray: 
God, change me but be gentle.

One day, God took me back to a time when our toddler-April fell into some rotted wood. She had slivers inbedded everywhere! 

You have to know that we and the doctors were as gentle as we could possibly be. 
April still cried. 
She was still scared. 
And it still hurt.

Sometimes the path to healing and blessing is through pain.

Trusting Him,

Monday, October 15, 2018


"He leads 
me beside still waters."
Psalm 23:2b

In Psalm 23 The Shepherd With Me, Jennifer Rothschild asks us to draw a tandem bike. Well, that provided my laugh for the day. Then she asks:

Where is your Shepherd sitting?

Where are you sitting? 

"Perhaps you're in the right place but with the wrong heart.

"You're seated on the back of the bike, 
constantly shouting 
directions to your Shepherd



Sheepishly Yours,

Thursday, October 11, 2018


"Jesus makes it clear in this moment that she

(the woman who touched the hem of his garment)

is not to be known as the woman with the issue of blood,

but rather the woman who had faith in Him."

Angie Smith
Women Who Fear   p.62

Not remembered for who we were, but for who we are . . .
 His Beloved. 
Men and women growing in faith and faithfulness.


Wednesday, October 10, 2018


"We heard you!
You loved the original flavor, shape, and texture of
our cereal so we are bringing it back!
It's people like you that we love to hear from.

We've enclosed a coupon . . ."

September 29, 2018

You ought not to mess with a senior's fiber
--as Shredded Wheat makers found out.

But, of course, you know Post Cereals did not change Shredded Wheat for "me." If you read yesterday's blog, you'll understand why I'm so excited.

"A single drop can't make even a puddle . . . BUT TOGETHER . . ."

 There's something else I love about this letter: 
We Heard You!

Don't you so appreciate it when someone has genuinely listened to what you had to say? They may go away with the same opinion that they came with, but they listened respectively. They considered your reasonings and feelings rather than dismissing them as stupid or uninformed.

It's hard folks. It's really hard! 

But, if we come away with a little more understanding and compassion, isn't it worth it?  And what if they give us something to think about; to REconsider? What if it saves or deepens a relationship?

This is hard! I'm almost afraid to pray,
But Here Goes:
Help Me Listen.
And . . . help me be heard.


Tuesday, October 9, 2018


"A single drop can't make even a puddle,
but together,
all our little drops 
and God's planning
can make not only a mighty ocean
but a mighty difference."

Madeleine L'Engle w/ Carol Chase
Glimpses of Grace   p.13
HarperSanFrancisco  1996

One of my dollar finds is proving quite enjoyable.

I find this quote pleasreable but especially appropriate, as well. We are less than a week from mid-term elections, so . . .

Short and Sweet: Make A Difference------Vote!


Or, let go of the attitude and let the car in who has raced past several cars to "zipper" in ahead of you all. (Something I'm working on."

Monday, October 8, 2018


Can this be possible?!

My devotion, this morning, began, 

"No one told me before my wife and I had children how important singing can be."

I often tell God I need reminders if He expects me to obey.

What do you think? Does He answer prayers?

Seemingly, the only way Adam Holtz could get his children to sleep was to sing.

"I spent hundreds of hours rocking them, desperately crooning lullabies . . .
But as I sang over my children . . .something amazing happened. It deepened my love and delight for them."

Perhaps, in God's encouragement for me to sing, that's what He is desiring for me, and for you. Perhaps, He is longing for a bond of love and delight between us. Wow! Me too. And in reverse--God sings over us.

"The Lord your God in your midst,
The Mighty One, will save;
He will rejoice over you with gladness, 
He will quiet you with His love, 

Zephaniah 3:17  NKJV

I want to say, "God have You heard me sing?!"

I imagine His answer to be, 

"Not so much, but I'd like to."


(Our Daily Bread  10/8/18; Adam Holtz)

Saturday, October 6, 2018


"When the waves crash around you,
When firey darts surround you, 
When despair . . .
"That's when God wants to hear you sing."

Greater Vision/Pandora

God has FILLED my heart this week with music on my Pandora app.

This song made me nearly laugh with joy. God is telling me, again, to sing . . . when it's hard to do so.

I got questionable health news the other day--a couple days after my blog titled, God Help Me Sing.

I drove to work reminding myself, "I get to sing."

That night I had an uGLy dream. It became particularly ugly when, in a difficult situation, I remembered, "I need to sing."

Think what you like about spiritual warfare--that Satan has plans for our lives contrary to God's. But, I believe God has given me a weapon to fight with. Song! Worship! 

The songs following the above one were these: The Healer (Someone's been healed today!) Talley Trio

There Is Hope: Legacy Five

Ray and I have both been hit with one health issue after another since the beginning of summer---that after being told by nurses how healthy I am. 

(I could change AM to WAS, but . . .)

God, help me sing.


Monday, October 1, 2018


"Salt couldn't prevent decay; it could only give meat a longer shelf life.

"When Jesus encourages believers to be salt in the world, He is reminding us that while we will never be able to reverse the decay in our culture caused by the curse of sin, we can slow down the process."

Robert Jeffress
Twilight's Last Gleaming  p. 27
Worthy Publishing  2016

Jeffress reminds us of Nineveh. According to Jonah 3:10, "God relented concerning the calamity which He had declared."

Jeffress believes that if Christians are the salt (followers, influencers) we are suppose to be, we may not be able to delay God's judgment, but we can stall it long enough to allow more people to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus.

There are days I would BEG for Jesus to rapture us, to take us home. And then . . . I look around me and ask God to shrink hell and expand Heaven.

God, I'm willing to stay,
