Thursday, March 23, 2017

Prayer: Health Care Bill

---------------------------NOT SO EASY. NOT BLACK AND WHITE---------------------------

I continue to pray for wisdom concerning the reconstruction of the health care bill.

I remind myself that disagreement isn't always bad. Each side likely has good points. Disagreement is how discoveries are made. 

But that leads to other thoughts. A writer can rarely change one sentence of a manuscript. A word, yes. But all sentences and paragraphs are so interconnected. Meanings easily become distorted if supporting phrases aren't tweaked too.

I imagine this heath care bill to present similar challenges. One side agrees with the other, but the interconnectedness prevents an an easy change.

Take a household project. We need new cupboards. That just can't happen without considering the floors. And floors can't be fully planned unless we are sure we won't need appliances for a while. It's not about colour and style. It's about coverage.

Imagine the complexity of this health care bill and the desire to meet everyone's needs--On Budget.

I apologize for rambling but hope you have read this far. Would you pray with these factors in mind and in the way God leads? And be appreciative of the hard work for everyone involved.


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