Tuesday, July 10, 2018


"Those exquisite responses we see, the amazing timing and strength such as an athlete displays, aren't produced and maintained by the short hours of the game itself. They are available to the athlete for those short and all-important hours because of a daily routine no one sees."

Dallas Willard
The Spirit Of The Disciplines  p. 4
Harper Collins  1988

As For Me

Where doesn't this apply? Take any of the arts; excellence lies in frequent, if not daily, practice.

Take a healthy body. Uh . . . it requires eating more veggies and less red licorice. It requires drinking more water than soda or coffee. 

Take a clean house (or not) . . . I can do it weekly, monthly, or when company's coming. But, washing dishes daily or mopping up spills when they happen can sure make the task less overwhelming.

Much of all these go unseen and unappreciated, but the payoff is definitely worth the effort.

Likewise with spiritual disciplines like prayer, Bible reading, fellowship or . . . biting my tongue.

Feeling God's presence, hearing His direction, experiencing His peace, care and pleasure--all great payoffs. Peace and love in my relationships are worth the daily, unseen, disciplines too.

Preaching To Myself,


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