Saturday, November 10, 2018


"I woke up thinking about her . . .
In an effort to not miss something, I called her.

I'm glad I did.

She's going through one of the toughest times 
of her life."

Terry Esau
Surprise Me  p. 36-37
NavPress  2005

You could have written that. And me too . . . or at least the first part; the "I woke up with someone on my mind, or was driving home when . . . or saw someone or something that reminded me of . . ."

The call part? Not so much. I hate phones.

But TODAY we can text, email, or even write a pen-to-paper note and drop it in a mailbox. 
Unless . . . the Holy Spirit prompts us to call
Then we obey.
Just Do It!

But the main point is this: make contact. Someone may just need to know they aren't alone.

I've been the recipient of such a blessing. To have God prompt someone to touch base with me told me that . . .

God hadn't forgotten me either.
Sometimes, that's all I need.


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