Monday, December 3, 2018


Mark Hausfeld found himself in a coffee shop in Colorado; a favorite coffee shop of  the LGBTQ community--and that, after the awful shooting in a gay nightclub of Orlando, Fla.

As led by the Holy Spirit, he braved asking several servers at the coffee shop about the shooting; their pain, anger, and their thoughts about how Christians were reacting.

Five Common Themes Immerged
"1. Do not single out homosexuality and ignore other sins.
2. Deal with your own sin before critisizing others.
3. Ask questions and listen.
4. Protect us from hate and violence.
5. Love by words and actions.

"I was struck by the fact that people in the LGBTQ community . . . were telling Christians to act more like Jesus."

Ed Stetzer
Christians In The Age Of Outrage   p. 105
Tyndale Momentum  2018

Perhaps the reason I have leaned, so often, toward "black and white" is that it leaves no room for awkward discussions. Perhaps it's time to change. 

Talk about an elephant in the room! Several people I love live in this experience; but I've never asked them how it feels. 

How about you? 

Scared Spitless  
But willing to be made willing,

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