Thursday, June 21, 2018


"I understand the sensitivities of church and state and all that, I really do. But don't you think that our Founding Fathers' ethics and belief systems have something to do with the fact that 230 years later we are still the kindest and most compassionate nation on earth, even to people who are trying to kill us."

W. Lee Warren, M.D.
No Place to Hide  p. 170
Zondervan  2014

As For Me

Sorry, but I had NO idea that Americans saved the lives of their enemies. Doesn't that seem counterproductive to war? But . . . war isn't about killing people. It's about gaining or maintaining freedom--for ourselves or for others who are oppressed.

We are so clueless to the horrors of war; and to the honor and character of our servicemen and women. Clueless.

No Place to Hide is written by a brain surgeon serving in Iraq.

In one situation, he had TWO patients: one American, one terrorist.

He had ONE set of sterilized instruments left. Either man, if helped immediately, would live. Either, if not helped immediately, would die.

Warren figured out an unauthorized way to make it work. But the terrorist still needed four units of blood. The need was broadcast over the intercom.

A soldier responded . . . the best friend of the American who had been shot by the terrorist.

Unknown to this soldier, the blood he was donating would save the life of the very man he shot to protect his friend.

The surgeon knew this and was torn, but he felt it important to tell the soldier whose life his blood would be saving.

The soldier's internal battle was evident through stiffened posture, clenched jaws and tears.

But finally he said,

"Sir, lots of people have done things for me that I didn't deserve. I shot that man in battle, but letting him bleed to death when I have the power to save him--that wouldn't be right."  p. 177

Could YOU do it?
WOULD you?

I am more likely, now, having read this amazing book, this amazing story, and having an incredible example set for me.

Thank You God,

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