Saturday, December 2, 2017


"I think a case can be made for saying that 'hope' is a synonym for prayer! As a matter of fact, hope is to prayer what a wick is to a firecracker. You cannot light a firecracker without a wick any more than you can pray without hope."

John DeVries
Why Pray?   P. 216
Mission India  2005

Ooohs and aaahs wave through the crowd as fireworks spray from every direction across the night sky.

But Dad's favorites? They EXPLODED! Without warning--shaking the ground beneath us, not to mention our nerves--for a second or two.

Imagine yourself admiring oranges, reds, yellows and purples. Now look closer. They're sparks of hope--millions of them. Splattered in every direction.

 Then out of nowhere, comes a blinding white orb followed by God's smile and an explosive  YES!

Firecracker Prayers!


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